Eiji Kikumaru x Reader - Beach Enemy

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The beach was a place everyone was enthusiastic to go. They loved the sand and playing in the water, and they also loved building sandcastles. It was a getaway to have fun and was mostly crowded during the summer. But some people hated the beach, and that person was you. And it bewildered everyone you met. 

You hated the feeling of sand and the amount times you got either glass or shells stuck in your foot, don't even ask. You hated getting soaked in water and showing a lot of skin in public. It just wasn't your cup of tea. But your boyfriend on the other hand, loved beaches. What polar opposites you two are.

You guys have only been going out for a year and you though the two of you wouldn't click at all. He was different and he wasn't the type of guy you would date, but you found yourself easing up to him. And that's when he suggested going to the beach, even if you hated it. He was meeting up with his friends from middle school, and they were all meeting up at the beach. 

And of course, he had to bring you along. He wanted you to meet his friends. Sighing, you agreed to go even if you despised it. You just decided to wear a tank top and some shorts, along with a thin silky cardigan. When you both got there, you were surrounded by unfamiliar faces. Eiji pushed you along and introduced you. 

Everyone greeted you and you instantly made friends with the females, since majority of them were males. Most of the females were dating the males and you also found out they were also on the tennis team with Eiji in middle school. 

You watched them play around and it was fun to see Eiji get soaked in water. When you were asked to join, you denied and said you weren't feeling good. Eiji knowing your dislike, still decided to bring you over to the water. "Hey, I said no!" You whined and he grinned like a fool.

He picked you up bridal style and hovered your form over the water. "Kiku, I swear to god if you drop me, I will-" You couldn't finish your words, he dropped you into the water. You got up quickly, coughing. Eiji and the others laughed and you fumed up. 

You stormed away and Eiji followed you. "(Y/N), wait! I'm sorry, okay?"

"You know I don't like that, then why did you do it?" You sat on a rock nearby. Eiji sat in front of you and pouted. "I just wanted to show you the beach isn't all that bad, plus I kind of want to see you in a bikini." He confessed and you blushed. 

Most of the guys girlfriends were wearing very sexy bikini's. It kind of made you jealous. But you didn't want to show a lot of skin."Kiku, I don't like showing skin. I love you okay, my hatred for beaches doesn't affect that. I'm having fun just being with you."

His eyes light up. "Really?" You nod and he kisses you."Thank you so much! Lets go, my friends are waiting!" He grabbed your hand and took you to the others. Maybe the beach wasn't so bad after all. 


Sorry for the late update, my WiFi has been down. Hope you enjoyed and please vote and also request character and scenarios!

prince of tennis one shots 💘Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang