Saeki Koujirou x Reader - Payback

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✨Sorry for the late update, I was pulling my life together. Hope you enjoy!


Your boyfriend was a lazy guy. Other than Tennis, he would just sit around and do nothing. He's either on his phone, reading a book, or just being a bum. You both went to separate schools, so you barely saw each other. But you had a trick up your sleeve.

"Koujirou!" You called out.

"What?" He looks at you from his book. "We never do anything! We should go out!" You complained.

"Don't feel like it." He continued to read his book.

"Okay, so a book is more important than me? I'm starting to doubt this relationship Kouji!" You crossed your hands together and glared at him.

Saeki sighed and closed his book. "Fine. Where do you wanna go?" He asked. Your smile turned into a evil smile. Uh-oh, this wasn't going to turn out well for Saeki.

Time Skip ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

You had dragged Saeki to the amusement park. You knew he hated rollercoasters. This was revenge.

"Koujirou! Let's get on Boomerang!" You said

"WHAT? ARE YOU KIDDING ME (NAME)! Why would I go on that? You do know that takes you around in loops and backwards. You do know I hate roller coasters!?!?"

"Come on! The ride is like five seconds long! Do you wanna go on the Ride of Steel instead?" You say.

"Heavens no! Anything but that!" He screeched.

"Then let's go!" You dragged him to the line. He had tried to get out, but a lady stopped him.

"Sorry sir, you can't leave from the line."

"Oh no, I'm not-" He was cut off.

"No, he's coming on this ride, sorry." You bowed at the lady and she nodded.

"(Name)!" He whinnied

The two of you sat down put the seat belts on. Saeki was freaking out.

"Koujirou, calm down. Its not that bad! Trust me, you'll have fun."

"Like I'd ever!"

The ride had begun. It slowly took you guys backwards. You could see the entire park from up there. Saeki let out a small screech. "Someone get me off this thing!"

The couple in front of you turned around and you gave them a look of apology.

The ride then launched the cart and you guys fell down and it took you up around in a small hoop, a curve, and another hoop. Saeki was screaming his lungs out the entire time.You laughed at him a few times. The cart came to an end at the top of the ride and then went backwards.

"(Name),I LOVE YOU! I CAN'T DIE YET! WE NEED TO GET MARRIED AND HAVE KIDS! TELL THE BOYS I LOVE THEM!" He was reading off his death note. You laughed and somewhat blushed.

The ride came to an end, and Saeki was shivering. He was literally crying.

"Grow some balls kid!". A guy in the back shouted.

"Is that his girlfriend? I feel sorry for her." Someone else laughed.

"Such a baby.." Someone else laughed.

"Shut up all of you!" You grabbed Saeki and left the ride.

"I'm sorry..." He says.

"Don't worry those people are assholes anyways." You say

"That was pretty scary.." He says.

"Don't lie. You had fun right?" You smirked.

"Well I guess....." He chuckled.

You smiled at him and kissed him. He kissed back.

"I love you Koujirou."

"I love you too." He kissed you, and the two of you started making out.

OMAKE (ノ^o^)ノ

"Good boy Sae-chan! Let's go in the ride of steel now!"

"NO! Anything but that! I'm too young to die!"

You drag him , while he whines like a baby. That's what he gets for being lazy.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ(づ ̄ ³ ̄)

[1]- If you don't know that the Boomerang is, its a rollercoaster ride at Darien Lake. Its an amazing ride. When I went on it with a friend, I honestly was scared because I haven't rode a rollercoaster in a long time. I literally screamed my lungs out, but it was fun.

[2] - The Ride of Steel is another rollercoaster in Darien Lake. Its one of New York States tallest ride. Its like 200 feet in the air and its scary. I'm afraid of heights and I was planning on going on it with some friends, but thank god I didn't . That ride is scary.

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