Kintarou Toyama - Not Ordinary

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A/N- Surprise! Two updates in one day, surprising right? Well yeah, because idk when the next update will be. I'm going on a school trip for a couple days in two weeks, so who knows. Anyways, enjoy!


Kintarou always liked things that weren't ordinary. He loved fuzzy and cute things. Sometimes you'd wonder who was the dominant one in the relationship. But there wasn't any sexual things going on between you two. Nothing at all. After all you weren't only first years in high school. He was also very passionate about Tennis.

He never showed much manliness. Sometimes you'd wonder if he was actually a guy. How did you fall for him? Well let's just say, he's not an ordinary boy. When the two of you met for the first time, he was very cheerful around you. You, on the other hand weren't really used to boys. You were shy and quiet. Being around him was different.

(First name)-chan? You never told me you liked Koala's. Aren't they just adorable?!? There so fuzzy and cute." He held up a pink Koala like toy and started nuzzling it, you laughed.

"You really love animals ,don't you Kintarou-kun?" You asked.

"Yeah, I do ." He smiled and held your hand.

Kintarou was very bold sometimes. He'd hold your hand, kiss your cheek and be very affectionate in public. His senpai's would always tease you two because of how young you guys were. You really loved him, no matter how childish he is.

Every time you were in trouble, he would come help. Due to going to different schools, you barely got to see each other during the week days. And every time he saw you, he would hug you tightly , no matter who was there.

One day, on your way to go see Kintarou, you saw him at tennis practice. He was working very hard. You stood near the field, watching him and the other members. "Kintarou, you can stop for today! You've practiced hard!" Shiraishi yells at him. He refuses, and continues to practice harder. 

"No, I need to get stronger! I need to get manlier!" 

You sigh and walk into the field they were standing at. Everyone looked at you and Kintarou stopped. "What are you doing? Stop over working your body and just listen to your senpai's!" You yelled at him and he turned around, taking you some place private. 

"Look, I want to be a normal person. I'm not ordinary, I embarass you, and you probably can't stand being with me in public." He says and you hug him. 

"Please don't think that. I love you for you, and nothing can change that." He smiles and hugs you back. 

=6 years later=

You and Kintarou were happily married now. It took a while for him to propose, but it was worth it. You helped him with the hot springs that his older brother ran. You worked at a job, and also worked at home. Things were going smoothly.

Kintarou had drastically changed throughout the years. He became taller and manlier. He didn't have that childish personality anymore, and he was very, very aggressive.

"Kintarou, I have good news." You walked into the kitchen where he and his brother sat, eating breakfast.


"Well.....I ......I'm pregnant ." You blurt

Kintarou drops his toast and stands up. "Is this true ?!?" He said grabbing you.

You nod and he hugs you.

"You just made me the happiest man in the world ."

'A guy doesn't need to be special to be with you. As long as he cared and loved you. He doesn't need to be ordinary. He's weirdly ordinary in his own way.


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