✶Chapter 30✶ Cravings

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Have you all heard the new song "Eternally Yours" yet? Check it out now! 


[Ryan's POV]

Time on tour has actually been pretty fun.

Devin eventually got his hair looking like how it was before Vinny's prank, and his face actually seems a lot cleaner thanks to that stuff the Blood Girls lent him. He's decided not to strangle Vinny, but we're definetly putting him on prank arrest.

Speaking of Vinny, he's been acting kinda weird since that day. I've always thought it was because he's scared Ghost might kill him when he least expect it, but I mostly see him cooking, or buying weird stuff at stores when he thinks no one is noticing, like weird foods.

Right now its our day off and I was going to hang with some of the other bands when I noticed he was cooking something again.

I walked over to see he was making some soup.

Wait.... Vinny hates soup....

I also noticed a bag full of crackers, water, and a bunch of fruits and vegetables, and even a jar of pickles, along with some whip cream. I also saw spicy or hot stuff like a bag of Flamin' hot Cheetos, jalapeños, and a bottle of wasabi.

.... Okay, this has gone on long enough...

"What are you doing?" I asked, making him jump and scream as he spun and saw me.

"What are you, trying to kill me?!" he said.

"What are you, trying to kill your stomach?" I retorted. "What's all this junk?"

"Umm.... uhhh.... Food drive?" he asked.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "You're a shitty liar, you know that, right?"

He whined and pouted. "Can't a man just cook his soup in peace?" he asked.

"One, you're barely a man, two you hate soup, and three you can't even make a sandwich for yourself," I said.

"Okay, that first one was just mean.... and maybe I actually started to like it," he said, crossing his arms.

"You puked up on Balz when you tried to down a taste of broccoli cheddar soup in New York last year on a dare," I said.

"That was different, Ricky poured a shit ton of pepper into it when I wasn't looking!" he protested. 

I gave him a look and he grunted. "Look, I gotta finish this, okay? I'm also making baked potatoes."

I sighed as I backed up a bit, hands in surrender as he went back to cooking.

Then I took a look at the foods again and it suddenly hit me.

Spicy foods. Pickles. Crackers. Chicken soup.

"Someone's pregnant?" I asked, and he suddenly froze.

He slowly froze. "How did you...."                                       

"Dude, I have sisters, and one already has kids. She always had crackers every morning, and usually had pickles with ice cream almost every day," I said.

"Damn it," He muttered.

"Now, are you just being a good friend for someone or did you actually get someone pregnant?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"No, I didn't get someone pregnant," he said, then sighed. "Its for a friend... She's got some bad morning sickness and cravings."

"Then why didn't you just say so? I have some tips from when my sister was pregnant that can help," I said.

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