✶Chapter 2✶ Breakdowns

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[Ricky's POV]

While Chris was getting ready, I decided to walk around and explore, just because I was super bored.

I look and saw a few of the dancers with their masks on.

One was tying some chain around her tiny wrist.

What am I saying, everything about her is tiny.

Height, size, everything.

She had short black hair, and her face was covered with the signature ITM mask the dancers usually wear.

She had a black lace choker on her that covered most of her neck, and wore black corset dress, with some jewelry, and a black cropped blazer.

That's when I looked at the chain on her wrist.

That cross charm looks really familiar.

"Places, ladies!!!" a director called.

The girls then walked up, the one I was looking at saw me, then froze before her head went down and she ran off.

Weird... Does she know me??

[Chris's POV]

Soon we were done with Day 1 and I was just relaxing, my mask on the side, when Maria came up.

"Great job today," she said, smiling.

"Thanks. Glad I'm doing this. This is fun," I smiled.

"We got just 2 more days and we'll be done then we're all going on tour," she said.

"Yep. You, me, and Ash are gonna have a blast," I said.

"Yep, I-"

"Maria!" a dancer shouted, running in. She had short blonde wavy hair.

"What's wrong?" i asked.

"Angel's having another break down," she said.

"Shit," Maria said, getting up quickly and running out. "Be right back."

Curious, I followed as she ran out, and saw that two of the dancers were holding one that still had her mask on.

If I'm right, she filmed the beginning of the music video with me, the part when the girls lead me inside and got the bunny mask on me and stuff.

She was curled up in a fetal position, shaking and crying. If I'm right, she's having a panic attack.

"Angel! Angel, look at me, baby, you're okay," Maria said, kneeling in front of the girl and hugging her.

"Take off her mask, so she can breathe better!" I said as I knelt down.

The girl's... brown... eyes.. widen in horror at me and she then gripped to her mask and shook her head furiously.

Her eyes look... Familiar...

"She doesn't take off her mask until she's alone or just with me and the band or girls. She's not good with strangers," Maria said.

I nodded as soon the girl began to calm down in Maria's arms.

"Better?" she asked.

The girl simply nodded quietly.

I then noticed her choker rolled down a bit, revealing a long scar across her neck.

What happened there.....?

"Tom, can you get her to the dressing room?" Maria asked.

Tom nodded and scooped Angel up and carried her away.

I could have sworn I saw something familiar on her wrist, but she was already gone.

"What happened to her?" I asked.

"She's had a tough past. I found her nearly dead in an alley almost 3 years back, so I took her in. She's more confident with a mask, but every confident person has their moments," Maria said.

"Poor girl," I said. "Hope she's okay."

"She'll be alright," Maria assured.

There was something about that girl.... I couldn't put my finger on it....

There was something about her eyes.... I don't know....

But what got to me was that scar on her neck.... What was that from? An accident?


The necklace-------->>>>

Continue, yes or no??  ^.^=

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