✶Chapter 31✶ Nausea

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A week passed and I'm still scared to tell Ricky.

Today was a day off and we were at some camping grounds in North Carolina since hotels were overbooked. I was planning to finally tell Ricky today.

If I somehow manage to tell Ricky though, there's also the challenge of telling Chris. There's no controlling that possible rage.

I was changing in my room when I took a look in the mirror.

My stomach was still flat, but knowing I had a little life growing in me now felt so strange to me.

I placed my hand on my stomach and took a deep breath.

Putting my fears aside... What if Ricky is happy about this, and stays for me and the baby?

I mean, of course, it would be good and a huge relief... But can we manage raising a baby?

He tours all the time, sometimes even out of the country, and I have to tour a lot, too... Who will take care of the baby? What if the baby spends the rest of his or her life raised by nannies like those spoiled rich kids?

"You get used to the feeling for a while," a voice said, making me jump.

"Umm," I said.

"Its alright," she said, walking up to me. "When I found out I was pregnant with Davion, the first few weeks while I still had a flat stomach, it took some getting used to, knowing that the little life was there," she said.

I sighed and looked down. "What if Ricky is happy though? We tour a lot, especially him..." I said.

"Oh come on, the record company will definitely let you guys have some time off for the baby," She said.

"But MIW needs Ricky, and.... and I have to dance," I said.

"We can manage a month or two without one single dancer," She said. "And the band can always find a temporary fill in for Ricky if they tour."

I sighed and pulled my shirt down. "There could still be a worst case scenario.... Ricky could leave me..... Chris will hurt him....."

"Everything is going to be just fine, honey," Maria said. "Whatever happens, you still have us."

I sighed and nodded as she hugged me.

"You know, you've always been like a second kid to me," I said.

I looked up. "Really?"

"Of course. Ever since that night I found you, I swore to always look out for you," I said.

I smiled and leaned over to hug her.

"Thank you so much for everything, Maria," I said. "I'd be lost without you."

"Its nothing, sweetheart," she said sweetly as she hugged me back.

We hugged for a while until we heard a knock at the door and looked to see Ricky there.

"Hey," he smiled. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"Not at all. Just girl talk," Maria said.

"Alright," he nodded as I got up.

"I'll be back soon," I told Maria.

"Have fun you two," Maria said as I walked over to Ricky, who wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. 

"And Ricky, don't be out too late with her," she said in a motherly tone as she smirked playfully.

"Yes, ma'am," he chuckled as I waved bye and walked out.



Baylie and I walked around the campground for a bit, and she seemed a bit nervous.

"Hey guys, over here!" Balz called out.

"Looks like the barbecue started," I said.

"Knowing my brother, its mostly chicken wings and ribs," she laughed as we walked over, hand in hand.

We approached them, the smell of the food getting stronger, and almost joined them when suddenly Baylie stopped and I turned, seeing her lurched over, hands on her knees.

"Woah, Baylie, what's wrong?" I said as she tried to take deep breaths.

"I-I," she said, standing up straight, and that's when I realized she looked a bit green.

"Is she okay?" Kylie asked as he, Devin, Vinny and Chris ran up.

"Sis?" Chris asked.

She then gagged a bit and ran off, and I chased after her, along with the others just to see her throwing up into a nearby trash can.

"Oh shit," Vinny muttered as I ran over and held Baylie's hair back and rubbed her back.

"Its okay," I said as then Devin and Kylie stood by her side.

Soon she calmed down and took a deep breath as Chris hurried over with a water bottle and a napkin.

"Here, drink this," he said as I got the napkin and helped wipe Baylie's mouth.

She took the bottle and drank some water as we helped her sit down in a nearby large rock.

"What happened?" Ricky asked.

"I-I guess.... I just couldn't stand the smell of the barbecue," she panted. "The smell was making me nauseous..."

"But you like barbecue," Chris frowned.

She frowned and looked down.

"Baylie, you've been acting pretty weird lately.... Tell me what's wrong," Chris said.

She gulped nervously before hanging her head. 

"C-Can I please talk to Ricky... alone?"  She asked.

Everyone frowned before Vinny spoke. "Okay..."

"Wait what?" Chris asked, looking at Vinny weird.

"Let's just go," Kylie said, and they all left, leaving just me and Baylie.

I knelt down to her level, holding her hands. "What's wrong?" he asked.

She sighed and got up, still holding my hands and she let go of one and lead me to the nearby forested area, away from the others.

"Baylie?' I asked, now confused as we walked a few feet before she stopped and nervously turned around, a single tear falling down her cheek.

"Baylie, you're really scaring me, what's wrong?" I asked, a bit desperate now.

"Ricky, I.... I didn't know how to say this...." she said.

I gulped nervously as I got an idea. "Y-You're breaking up with me, aren't you?"

"No!" she cried, and then threw her arms around me, scaring me. "I love you, Ricky... That's why I'm so afraid to tell you this..."

"Tell me what, though?' I asked, pulling back to look in her face, my hands on her shoulders.

She gulped, and then took a deep yet shaky breath before she finally spoke.

"I'm pregnant, Ricky..."


Yay I updated this! 

Will Ricky be happy or will he be upset? Will Chris also find out? 

Next chapter coming soon!! 🌻

🎼Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Fleetwood Mac "Dreams"

♡~ sapphire.

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