✶Chapter 12✶ "Angel's" Story

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[Chris's POV]

A month has passed by in the tour. Ricky and Angel have been seeing each other a lot lately.

Whenever she hangs out with us, she clings to Ricky's side and doesn't say a word. If anyone were to ask her a question or something, she would whisper her response to Ricky so she wont have to use her voice in front of anyone, unless its a yes or no question she just nods or shakes her head.

Whenever we eat, she eats in the back room with Ricky, door locked.

But she's still nice. Whenever she comes by the bus, she always brings us cookies and stuff, most of them my favorites.

Which I found very odd...

Right now I watched as her and Ricky cuddled on the couch watching Sweeney Todd and she kept her white mask on.

I was curious about that mask.

I walked up and sat next to them.

"Hey, guys," I smiled.

"Hey," Ricky smiled as Angel looked up from the film, her head leaned against his chest.

"Umm, Angel, if its okay, can I ask you something?" I asked.

She looked up at Ricky, then nodded.

"Umm, that mask... Why do you always wear it?" I asked.

She hesitated to answer, then looked down before Ricky spoke.

"Its mostly to hide, umm... Her scar," he said.

I scrunched my eyebrows. "Scar?"

"Well.....A while after Maria found her, ummm......an ex-boyfriend found her and she was attacked. He threw acid on her face and then slit her throat to kill her. She was saved on time, but this side of her face was a bit disfigured," Ricky said, motioning down his nose from the bridge, under his eye, and his whole cheek and chin.

I cringed at the thought. Poor girl.... She must hate herself... I'm glad she has Ricky.

"She hates the scar, so she uses her mask to hide the scar and the choker for the slit. Its pretty bad," Ricky said.

"Wow... I'm so sorry that's happened to you, Angel Rose. You didn't deserve that. But I'm sure you're still beautiful no matter what," I smiled.

She looked down before burying her masked face into Ricky's chest.

Ricky smiled and rubbed her back.

"You know, Ricky, I'm glad you're happy with her," I smiled.

"Yeah, its... Its best I move on, you know," he said, Angel playing with his hand and tracing the tattoos Ryan Ashley did for him.

I nodded. "If only I could, though."

I saw Angel was still, her gip on Ricky's hand tighten a little.

"Angel? You okay?" I asked.

She hesitated to answer, but then nodded and just continued to trace Ricky's hand tattoos.

"Hey, I'm gonna get something to eat. Let me know if Angel is leaving for the show soon," I said.

Ricky nodded and I left.

[Baylie's POV]

I played with Ricky's hand, feeling tears flood my eyes.

"If only I could, though..."

He's right. Chris may never move on with the fact of me being possibly dead.

"How?" I mumbled as I slid down to rest my head on his lap.

"What?" He asked.

"How can I tell him, Ricky? I want to tell him now, but.... I'm scared," I cried.

He looked down sadly at me.

"He got worse after I left, didn't he?" I asked. "Not like you, but... Bad... Right?"

He sighed, then nodded.

I let out a small cry and he pulled me to his lap and hugged me as I quietly cried.

How can I tell him?

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