He's Dead? - Edited

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Hey guys!  I have finally edited the first chapter!  Let me know what y'all think!

     I walk down one of Gotham's many alleys as I shiver from the cold. It started snowing shortly before I left the bank. The cold was biting at my fingertips, so I put them in my (f/c) coat pockets. While they were cold as well, it was still a little coverage. But the cold wasn't bothering me that much as I was worried for my best friend, Jason.

Jason went missing almost a year ago now. For all we know he left us. I still had that sliver of hope though that he would come back. He would open the door to the manor and he'd hug us all saying he was fine, and that something happened, and he had to stay under cover for a little while.

Seems like a far reach, huh? Bruce had kept on searching for him. Dick had given up a few months ago now. He was certain that Jason was gone. He wouldn't say the word in front of me, I'm guessing because he knows I would freak out on him for even suggesting it. But I knew exactly what word he meant that would describe what he thought happened to Jason. Dick thought that Jason was dead.

When I reach the mansion again, I hear fighting. Not surprising at all, really. It was a normal evening for them in fact. Two or three months after Jason went missing, Bruce decided to fill in his spot with a guy named Tim. Dick had replaced Robin for those few months Jason was gone, but after a while he could not keep on going since he had other work to do as Nightwing.

When I walk through the dark oak doors leading to the Sitting Room in the Mansion, I see no one sitting. Instead, the Dark Knight is throwing batarangs at Robin. Robin is doing backflips and grabbing a few of the batarangs when possible. "Keep your position neat and straight, Robin!" Batman yells at him.

Robin stays silent as he straightens up and uses a grapple to bring down Batman. Bruce quickly jumps out of the strong rope and punches Robin in the jaw. Tim quickly recovers and swiftly round house kicks Batman. Alfred then walks into the room and calls off the fight.

"Master Wayne, a recording has been sent to us through an anonymous server. They say it's extremely important that you see it as soon as possible." Alfred states.

"Are you able to track down the IP address?" Bruce says removing his cowl.

"I'm afraid not sir. But the recording is sent to the batcomputer in the cave." Alfred responds.

"Alright. (Y/n) I need you after we see this recording. Come down with me so we can both watch the video." Bruce tells me.

"Yes, sir." While I'm close with him, since he has basically adopted me, I treat him with respect because he can be a scary man when he wants to be. One-time Dick had given him attitude, and Bruce took him into another room for an hour. For the rest of the week, Dick flinched whenever he heard Bruce call his name. While it was funny, I was curious as to what he could've said to Dick to make him so afraid.

When we get down to the cave, the batcomputer has loaded the recording up, ready to be watched. Bruce glances at Tim, Dick, and I with caution and starts the recording. The first thing we see is Jason tied up to a chair, bloodied up with a 'J' burnt into his skin on his left cheek. "Have you got something to tell the nice man, Jason?" I identify the voice as Joker immediately.

"My name is Jason Todd." He says slowly, his voice laced with exhaustion and pain. It hurt to hear him like this.

"Who do you hate my boy?" Joker asks, laughter ready to spill.


"Excellent. Of course, you do!"

After some silence Joker comes into view and states, "Did you hear that, Bats? Kid's not yours anymore. He's mine. Mine, mine, mine. To do with as I wish. Hey I never asked. What's the big secret? Who is the big, bad bat?" He says and moves closer to Jason.

"Of course, sir, its-" Before he could respond, Joker shot him, and he went down.

A scream was frozen in my throat. I couldn't believe what I had just seen. Jason Todd, my best friend, was just shot by Joker.

"Never could stand a tattletale. That's why I like to work alone. No one to spoil the punch line. You should try it sometime. After all, you've seen what happens when you drag your friends into this crazy little game of ours. Working alone is really only a problem when you need an extra set of hands. Let's see if we can't solve that little conundrum!" Joker laughs insanely and ends the tape.

I crash down onto the floor and put my face into my hands. I felt a hand reach down onto my back. I wanted to cry. So badly. But no tears came. "He's....Dead?"

A/N And here we go! The first chapter has been completely edited! Woohoo! I'm making this a new chapter so whoever wants to read the old version and compare it to the edited version.

Also, if anyone has read Arkham Knight: Genesis, that little speech by Mr. J should look familiar. I copied the entire speech out of that book. Took a while. But it was worth it! If you haven't read the comic, I highly suggest you go out and buy it at your nearest comic book store. I absolutely love the book, and I constantly reread it. Anyway, that's all for now, bye lovelies! 

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