Audio Clip #6

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(Y/N) (L/N): But Jason, I saw the video...You died.  

Arkham Knight: That's what Bruce led you to believe.  

(Y/N) (L/N): He didn't lead me to believe anything!  I saw the video the same time he did.  You were shot in the chest, you couldn't survive that.  

Arkham Knight:  Yet here I am, standing in front of you.  And all that torture... All of it was his fault.  He wouldn't search for me. 

(Y/N) (L/N): You know that's a lie, Jason!  We searched for you everywhere.  I searched for you for months.   Bruce never wanted to stop looking for you, but after that video we thought you were gone.  

Arkham Knight:  BULL!  How long did it really take him to stop searching?  Joker showed me the newspaper, he had a new Robin before the end of the month!

(Y/N) (L/N): He didn't get a new Robin for three months!  He needed help so he could put more time on looking for you!  I was busy and Dick was busy, we couldn't just keep on assisting him with everything. 

Arkham Knight: Clearly he didn't spend a lot of time on it, otherwise he would've found me years ago.  

(Y/N) (L/N): Jason, stop this nonsense.  This isn't you.    Just come back with us, let us help you.  

Arkham Knight: I don't need help.  Tonight Bruce will die.  He will have a bullet through his head.  

(Y/N) (L/N): He doesn't deserve it!  No one could find you, we searched everywhere we could think of.  Don't think that he looked in just a few places and stopped.  He was devastated that he couldn't find you.   

Arkham Knight: You know, I would've thought you'd be on my side.  After all, you were there for me for the times before it. 

(Y/N) (L/N): I am on your side, but right now you're being absurd!  Jason, just hear us out.  You aren't letting anyone help you, you're teaming up with the people who you sided against for years, you can't possibly think this will end well!  

Arkham Knight: It won't, not for Batman.  As a door is heard opening, the Arkham Knight puts his helmet on. 

Scarecrow: The Cloudburst is ready, Knight.  It's time. 

Arkham Knight:  Take her back to the room with Barbara.  Don't let anyone touch her.  They're dead if they do. 


Hurt (Arkham Knight x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now