Memory - Bonus

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Two years before the torture~

Y/N ran down the halls of Wayne Manor in search of a certain male named Jason Todd.   Jason and Y/N were best friends, and like most best friends they loved to prank each other.  Everyone who lived in the manor was quite aware of their antics.  In fact, there was usually a new one every week.  Whether it was jello in the shower or whipped cream in the face, you'd hear a cry of surprise followed by running.  

This time, Jason had pranked Y/N by setting up a bucket of slime to dump on her when she walked into her bedroom.  Needless to say, she was more than pissed at him for this one.  

"You're gonna get it when I find you, Jason!"  She yelled down the hall.  Dick opened his door, leaned against the door frame, and shook his head as he watched a blur of (H/C) rush past him.  Jason, who was calmly scrolling through the internet on his laptop, quickly shut it down to hide.  

Y/N rushed into one of the many sitting rooms in the manor.  There stood Alfred, who was cleaning one of the windows.  "Oh, hey Alfred!"  Y/N said. 

"Hello Miss Y/N.  Why are you running?"  He asked calmly.  He had gotten quite used to her and Jason running about the manor and wasn't surprised whenever they did.  

"Jason dumped a bucket of slime on me,"  she said stiffly.  Alfred's back was turned towards her so he was unable to see the green goo that was slowly oozing off her head.  "Do you have any idea where he might be?"

"I believe he was in one of the guest rooms.  He said that he was going to stay there for the rest of the day to hide from your wrath."  He said with amusement in his voice.  

"Thanks Alfred!"  Y/N said, before running off to try the multiple guest rooms.  

It took about four different tries, but Y/N finally made it to the guest room he was in.  She could tell by the laptop that was laying on the desk.  "Jason, I know you're in here, somewhere.  You might as well come out now so I can kick your ass for this."  

Jason slowly walked out of his hiding spot in the bathroom, reaching the doorway before he alerted her attention.  "Language."  He coughed.

She turned at him with a fiery glare in her eyes.  Jason ran out the door as fast as possible as Y/N followed him.  He knew that one of them would tire out sooner or later, he just hoped it wouldn't be him.  Only problem is that he knew she had been training a lot harder than he has lately, so the probability of her running out of stamina before him was unlikely.  

He sprinted through the hallways of Wayne Manor, grinning and laughing at the girl behind him.  Little did he know that Y/N was slowly closing in on him.  

As he ran out the back door and into the gardens, he could feel her presence.  This worried him even just a little bit, because he was going to be doomed.  He soon felt someone tackle him into the grass in the gardens.  The two of them rolled into a somersault before Y/N pinned him to the ground.  She smirked, watching some of the green slime from her hair fall onto Jason's forehead.  "Caught you." 

Jason faked being scared, still grinning at her.  "Oh, yeah?  And what are you going to do now?"  

"This," she said and straddled him.  Jason was confused by her actions, until she took a handful of slime that was on the top of her head and let it slowly drip onto his face.  Jason's face scrunched up, his eyes shutting as he felt the cold substance.  

She laughed while he groaned.  "Seriously?"  Jason asked as he tried getting some of the goop off.  Y/N climbed off of him and sat next to him in the grass.  It was cool to the touch despite the hot day.  

"Yes, seriously."  She replied.  "This is going to take forever to wash out of my hair!  I just took a shower only an hour ago."  

"For a Gotham hero, you weren't quite aware of your surroundings, were you?"  He teased.  He wiped some more of the slime off her.  

"I don't exactly expect to be attacked in the safety of my own home."  

"Attacked?  Come on, it was just a little slime."  He grinned.  She rolled her eyes.

"You're unbelievable."  Y/N laid down in the grass.  Jason followed her movements, placing his hands behind his head to cushion himself.

"But you still love me."  

"That I do."  

Yo guys!  What's up?  How's everyone day/night?  Good?  Good.  Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter!  I realized that I really did not put much fluff into this fanfiction, and I really want to give you some of that.  Plus, I thought that this would really help with giving you more backstory on you and Jason.  Hope you like it!  This is only one of the multiple memories I hope to do before we get back on track.  Talk to you guys later <3 

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