Or Was It A Bat? - Part 1

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I made my way into GCPD once Cash spotted me on the cameras.  I never realized how long it took to get all the way to the bottom by walking.  When I entered I saw the cells filled with militia commanders, ordinary thugs, checkpoint commanders, and more.  All of them were yelling something about how painful their injuries are or that Scarecrow was going to kill Batman.  

"Well look what the cat dragged in," Cash chuckled, "Or was it a bat?" 

"Neither actually.  Ventured over by myself."  I grinned.

"Weren't you supposed to be out of the city by now?"  

"You know I don't listen to Jim unless it's an order from the Commissioner." 

"Yeah, yeah.  Still, you should have made it out tonight.  Barbara's here too, she's over in the computer lab if you want to see her."  He pointed over to the room.

"Thanks Aaron."  I said before walking over to her.  

I walked over to her, where she seemed focused on the computers and the many different screens filled with code.  Honestly, I had no idea what any of it meant, I never bothered asking her.  I would have no idea what most of it meant even if she spent all day explaining it.  "Hey Barbara," I said.  

She turned her head and her eyes lit up.  "(Y/N)!  I thought when he pushed you over you were gone.  How did you survive that?"  She asked while turning her head back to some of the cameras.  

"Well, let's just say an old friend helped out, if you know what I mean."  I pulled up a chair and watched what she was doing.  

"Right.  I'm not surprised.  It was so obvious from the very first time you two met that you'd like each other."  

"We were kids.  That was a long time ago, I'm sure he's forgotten."

"Well, you know what they say, you never forget your first love."  She teased. 

"After everything he's been through and done, I'm not sure if that would apply to this situation."  

"Good point."  We both shared a laugh until there was multiple beeping sounds from the computer.  Suddenly, I see Bruce running in from the corner of my eye.  I know he noticed me, but he doesn't say anything.  I'm guessing whatever is happening isn't good.  

"Great, you're here."  Barbara looks at him and then back at the computer.  "Scarecrow's flew out towards the bay before heading north.  I tried narrowing it down further but the data's corrupted.  They did more damage than I thought."  Before she could explain any further, the whole basement floor shook.  "What the hell was that?!" 

"Trouble."  He said. 

The computer screen was taken over by a new live stream of Scarecrow.  "Gallant police force of Gotham, I have a message for you.  You are not safe.  You are not protected.  Batman will not save you.  This is the beginning of the end for you, Dark Knight." The screen ended and it changed back to the cameras.

"Like hell it is.  The Batcomputer's back online, Batman.  I'll do what I can.  Good luck, hit 'em hard."  She said.  

Before Batman left the floor I stopped him.  "What's about to happen?" 

"That's what I intend to find out." 

"Be careful, alright?  Scarecrow's still out there and so is a ton of other crazy people."

"I'll be fine, (Y/N).  Stay indoors, and don't go out no matter what."  I nodded and he left.

I went back to Barbara where she was hacking into the rest of the cameras in the city.  On the one screen I could see Bruce fighting thugs right outside the doors.  I don't know how he does it, but he takes them all out in a matter of minutes without a single blow.  The computer and the lights went out, and you could hear everyone yelling, trying to figure out what happened. 

"Barbara, isn't there a generator on the outside of GCPD that Batman can start up again?"  I asked.  

"Yeah, we just have to hope he can get to it."  She turned on her communicator and switched it to him.  "Batman, there's a generator outside of the building.  GO!"  And it turned off.  

So, the video never recorded cause apparently there's no such thing as relaxation for long periods of time this week.  Lotsa homework, tests, and I had a dragon boat festival to go to this past weekend.  I participated in one of the races, and my team won gold, so that was awesome!  Plus I went to a haunted attractions to place to kick off Halloween.  This place was intense.  I crawled in a dark hallway and I couldn't see.  As it turns out, I was crawling over dead bodies...  That was fun! 

Anyway, this is only part one to the chapter.  There will be another part to the chapter, but for now, enjoy this.  I hope to get the next part out soon.  But, I wanted to get the one question I was asked answered, so here you go:

@xx_tiffany_xx97 asked: what inspired you to write Jason's Arkham knight story with a Romance twist to it?

Well, that's a really good question! Honestly, it's been so long since I started writing this that I can't give you a detailed answer, but I can say that it started with the question, "What if?" All my fanfictions start off like that to be honest. When there is a tragic backstory to a character, I love asking what could have changed what happened to the character. For Jason's story, it was only inevitable. But, it got me thinking what would've changed the Arkham Knight storyline. The first thing that came to mind was a lover. So I thought about it and thought about it, before finally just writing it in a word document. I guess another thing that really inspired me to do it is the Batman Imagines that I see circulating Wattpad all the time. I found out about Jason through Batman: Arkham Knight, and I was curious to learn more. I wanted to see how people wrote his character before I tried it, and I saw a lot of it was based off the comics like Red Hood and the Outlaws, and the movie, Batman: Under the Red Hood. Very rarely did I stumble on one that used the video game. I thought I could try using his character in the game to expand on. I thought it'd be a fun challenge, since while Jason Todd is the same throughout everything, the Arkham Knight was a new alias that was introduced first in the game. Since I learned more by reading the romantic stories and one shots for Jason Todd, I decided that I'd definitely try doing it too!

I could've probably gone into more detail a couple years ago, but that's all I got for now.  Oof.  Anyway, going off a different comic book universe, this girl just got Pictopia: Marvel Cinematic Universe Edition today and now I wanna play it but no one will play it until Saturday night because Saturday night is game night.  Now I'm sad.  But happy.  And excited.  Mainly cause my dad and my sis don't care about comics and Marvel stuff, so it'll just be my mom and I in a huge competition to see who can get the most questions right.  It'll be funny.  I give my dad and sis about five minutes until they just spectate.  

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