Knightfall Protocol

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I'm warning you now, I cried.  I have never been prouder of a chapter.  I hope you enjoy it, and I urge you to listen to the music as you read.  It adds an element to this chapter that you can't get without it.  This is the end. 

The fight went on for ten minutes.  There had to be over 50 tanks and helicopters out there ready to destroy Bruce.  But it took him ten minutes to destroy them.  Barbara and I helped out as much as we could, and helped him destroy quite a few of them.  Destroyed pieces of tanks were everywhere and it knocked out some of the cameras around the area.  All you could hear around us was cheers and applaud as the explosions stopped above.  

Before we could do anything else, Barbara checked the surveillance cameras that were still active.  "We did it!  No, wait, Scarecrow's just dropped infantry on the roof.  They're trying to bypass the security lock.  I can hold them off, but not for long."  She said. 

"Batman, I've got control of the security and utility systems on the rooftop.  I can take the bastards out, you just set them up."  I told him through my earpiece as I loaded up the programming systems.  

Bruce grappled up to the rooftop and threw a smoke pellet before going in and knocking two out in seconds.  I prepped the fence to electrocute anyone who touched it.  As he knocked out a couple more, I told him to use the fence.  He pushed one of the men into the fence before they could do anything and he was out cold. 

He swiftly punched the next man before using the batclaw to pull him to the steam pipes and daze him.  I activated those and he was out.  The last man Bruce had to take care of was the brute, but I couldn't do anything about him.  He dazed him and threw punch after punch before using a final blow on him.  

As he finished him off, a helicopter flew down with more men and two brutes.  The men had medical kits and katanas this time.   He started fighting them one by one, dodging over the brutes and trying to knock out the med guys as soon as possible.  "Batman, the steam pipes!"  I yelled to him and he was able to bring a couple of guys over them.  I knocked them out quickly with a press of a button. 

The rest of the systems were inactive at the moment so for the most part I watched Bruce as he knocked every guy unconscious.  Cash walked up and watched the cameras in awe behind me and Barbara.  When he was done, I pulled up the communicator and Cash talked to him.  "Batman, there's a lot of people in here looking to thank you, all three of you.  And I'm one of them.  It looked bad for a minute there." 

Barbara looked at him. "Thanks Aaron, but you don't need to... Oh God." 

"What is it?" Batman asked. 

"I think Scarecrow's at the movie studios.  Dad's voice was just used to gain access." 

"Pull up a surveillance feed." 

"I've tried.  And I can't get a hold of Robin.  He was in there, right?"

"Don't worry, Oracle.  I'm on my way." 

I placed my hand on Barbara's shoulder while I tried to comfort her.  "Barb, it'll be alright.  He's strong.  I'm sure he's alright."  She smiled at me. 

"I hope he is..."  Before we could say anything else, a screen popped up and Scarecrow was on the computer, sitting in the dark room.  

"You think you really stand a chance at winning?  All night I've had live bombs all around GCPD.  I know at least one of Batman's little helpers are there.  If you don't want those bombs to detonate in five minutes, one of you will be on the rooftop with my men.  If you aren't there, the building will crash down onto every single one of you in that basement.  You have only five minutes."  The live feed went off.  

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