TWO.1| "You think catching STD is his way of dealing with it?"

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Kiss me hard before you go.

Summertime sadness.

I just wanted you to know that-

"Hello bitches!" Suddenly my phone starts ringing, cutting the music off, sighing I quickly pick up the phone.

"Hello," I answer, putting it on speaker and placing it besides me on the bed, "better be important because you're disturbing my sad hour vibes,"

"Hey-Now? Girl, We bout to turn up!" Millie cheers and yells over the phone, almost blowing off my ears and making me deaf forever.

Groaning, I respond, "Are you already drunk?"

She clears her throat, "no, just getting hyped up," she says, in her normal voice, I hear the sound of shuffling in the background, before she continues, "You sure you can't come?"

I get up from my bed, throwing my journal under my bed and start my journey downstairs,
"Yes yes yes, firstly you know dumb and dumber won't let me and I honestly don't even want to go,"

I mean, I could have persuaded them which could have included a lot of blackmailing, threats, giving something up my turn for movie night, which I do not want to sacrifice for a night with sweaty weird dancing creepy people.

"It's also Friday, which means pizza night," I smile, my stomach makes its presence known, also excited for pizza.

"I swear it's pizza day, every day at your house," Millie groans, probably rolling her eyes. I live with 3 males, what do you expect?

"What time you going anyways?" I walk past the couch, where Jayden and josh were playing video games and shouting at the tv, ignoring them I walk straight to the kitchen, taking a seat on one of the stools.

"We're gonna leave around 10."

I laugh, "Are you joking, I'll probably be in bed at that time," in my warm soft bed.

"It's a new club and that's when all the fun starts," she sings. Fun? My definition of fun is very different.

I shake my head at her, knowing fully well she can't see me, "Anyways I'll let you get ready, dads gonna come be back soon so I'll be expected to be present,"

"Sad you can't make it, but I'll let you know how it goes, bye!" after saying bye, I cut the phone and leave the kitchen, waking back to the living room.

"FIRE!" I scream,

"WHERE?!" Josh yells, standing up and looking around, trying to smell the fire out,

"Go away!" Jayden swats his hand, eyes not leaving the tv. I think I have overused that technique on Jayden too much, which means if there's a real fire, I'm a burnt potato...

Josh stops searching and shots me a glare, sitting back down.

"Okay losers, pack up, dads gonna be back soon with pizza," clapping my hands together and trying to get them to move but failing. Instead, I get smacked in the face by a sweaty hand, ew!

"Fine, if none of you is going to help, I'm not telling you about this boy-" I start, but I couldn't even finish my sentence,


"Where's my bat?"


They both snap their head towards me, staring into my soul, "alright calm down, I was only joking," during their stare I manage to snatch the controller from Jayden's hand, saving the game and shutting the thing off.

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