FOURTEEN.1| "My feelings are genuine!"

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"I think I'm in love with you,"

I blink, staring at the ceiling,

"No seriously, I think I love you,"

I turn to lay on my side,

"Jaya stop! I'm being for real, this is not a joke,"

I turn around completely, my face in my pillows and scream. Finally recovering, I sit up, staring blankly at my wall. What do I do?!

He said he'd give me time to think about it because I was clearly in shock and thought he was pranking me.

"Hello Jaya, are you done?" Millie asks, looking down on my bed I notice her face on the screen, shit I forgot about her

"I think I died, went to heaven, then hell and came back," I blankly respond, staring at her, then break down, "Oh my god! Millie what do I do?!"

Millie facepalms, "for one calm down, he said he liked you, not proposed,"

I nod, "true-Wait no! He didn't say like, he used the other L word!"

Millie cringes, "yeah... Okay let's pretend he didn't and think about how you feel,"

I think, "I obviously do like him, but I don't know if I other L word him,"

She narrows her eyes at me, "can you please just say lo-"

I block my ears and cut her off, "The other L word shall not be mentioned, it's to much pressure,"

She once again facepalms, "you're taking this way to seriously, how about you go to sleep and we can discuss this tomorrow morning, once you've processed everything,"

I take a deep breath and nod, "yeah I think I need some rest,"

"Alright then, good night and Lo-" before she can finish that sentence I cut the call, shall not be mentioned.




"God I hate you so much!" I yell, my hands clutching the paper.

"Come on Jaya, please you have to understand this is a misunderstanding," Elliot pleads, trying to walk around the counter but I walked the other way, getting far away from him as possible.

"Oh Jaya, I think I love you," I say, pulling a face and mimicking him, "bullshit!"

He glares, "hey! My feelings are genuine!"

"Yeah as genuine as these pictures," I respond, throwing the paper I was clutching in my hand.

He groans, the paper falling to the floor, "You know how the news people are, they love making something out of nothing,"

"Of course I know," I deadpan, with a fake smile and drop it instantly when he tries to smile back, thinking I've given in.

I continue, "I've been here stressing for about a week, trying to figure out what I was going to say to you, while you were out on dates-"

"It wasn't a date," he cuts me off,

But I ignore him,"-with other girls and how exactly fair is that, Elliot?"

He frowns, "I'm not lying, it wasn't a date, it was a business meeting and the girl was just getting a little too flirty and handsy, but I never encouraged her and tried to keep my distance, even told her I was taken but she was not having it,"

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