Ext| Dallas and Millie?

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*deffo NOT edited*

High school - Sophomore year


"Please, no! Leave me alone!" I tried pushing him of me, but he kept coming back.

"Calm down, it's just some fun," the guy smiled, getting to close.

"No! Stop-" I heard the door opening, the guy quickly slapped his hand over my mouth.

I quickly kicked the guys knee, causing him to remove his hand and step back, I used the  opportunity to shout for help, "Help!"

"Hey!!" Some other guy yelled back, I could hear him running towards the shower stall,

The senior guy in front of me, glared at me and quickly ran out the stall, leaving me alone in the corner,

"Dude! Watch it!" I heard the other guy say, "is anyone there?"

My back against the wall, I slowly sat down, putting my hand over my mouth as I tried to stop the tears and even my breathing out.

"Oh my god! Are you alright?" The guy asked, my eyes were on his feet, he was shuffling and seemed hesitant.

He crouched down in front of me, "hey, I know you," I slowly looked up at him, he continues, "I'm Dallas, I think we have homeroom together," and Maths.

I knew who he was, he was friends with that Jaya girl, they were always getting up to something, it's hard to not notice them. Especially since, everyone seems to know Jaya, I think she has a hot brother or something.

I nod at him and he smiles, "can you stand up?"

I nod again, my arms still wrapped around me, I stand up and notice him taking his jacket of, causing me to freeze but instead he just holds it out to me.

Cautiously I reach out for it, putting it over me, "thanks,"

He gives me a warm smile and puts his hands in his front pocket. We walked out the locker room, Dallas walked a step behind me, I could tell he didn't wanna scary me.

I don't know why though, his jacket wrapped around me and him walking behind me, made me feel safe and protected, even though I hardly knew Dallas. Weird

High school - junior year

"You like him!" Jaya gasped, I quickly slapped my hand over her mouth and looked around, luckily no one seemed to notice.

I slowly take my hand away, "Shh, don't need the whole school to know,"

She shrugs and continues making out with her potato chips, stopping to comment, "but also ew, like Dallas, MayoDallas? Are you blind?"

I laugh, shaking my head, "no and Dallas is cute." Jaya sticks her tongue out, pretending to be disgusted, I continue, "he- he makes me happy and safe,"

Jaya seems to catch the last word and gives me a sad smile.

Looking down, I fiddle with my fingers, "It's hard to explain, you know- wait you don't," I hear Jaya gasp as she throws a packet of skittle at me, but quickly snatching it back, causing me to laugh.

I try agin, "I don't know why, but I just know that Dallas will protect me, he has since sophomore and I guess this is me finally accepting my feelings. I tried, burying them and even going on dates with other people, but nothing feels the same," I look up at Jaya, only to find her staring so intensely at her packet of skittles.

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