FOURTEEN.2| "We will kill you,"

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"Don't worry Jaya I got it," Elliot suddenly says, blowing in my eye, causing me to flinch backwards, "there we go," he pushes me away, wiping his hands on his jeans.

I stumble back, using the couch to support me from going flying backwards, "erm thanks, I guess," what is he up to?

Turning to my dad, I find him staring at us in confusion, especially at Elliot.

"Sorry Sir, she had something in her eye," Elliot breaks the awkward silence, I roll my eyes, idiot.

See this is why I can't date, the guy always gets scared and runs away, before even the first date.

I turn to my dad, moving towards him, "dad, what are you doing here?"

He finally moves from his stiff and awkward posture, "I live here, Jaya"

I roll my eyes at my dad, "I meant, I thought you had work?"

He furrows his brows and stares at me in confusion, "I did and now I'm finished,"

That wasn't the end though, the door opens and another presence fills the room,

"Oh hey, dad," Josh trails of, his eyes falling on dad then me and finally Elliot, "what are you doing here?"

Elliot clears his throat, "I actually wanted to speak to you guys," wait...What??

I snap my head towards him and raise my eyebrows, yeah no, I shake my head, "nope, he was just leaving," I walk towards Elliot, my hands on his back as I tried to push me towards the door, but he wasn't budging.

"Erm, what's going on here?" Another voice asks, Jayden. You've got to be kidding!

"Nothing! Elliot was just leaving," I groan, still trying to push him out.

"Need some help, sis?" Jayden asks as I pop my head out from behind Elliot to find him staring at me in amusement while the other two were completely confused and suspicious.

Elliot moves and because I had all my weight on him, I fall forward, luckily on the couch, I hear Jayden snigger, traitor!

"I was hoping I could speaks to you guys," Elliot repeats.

I quickly stand up straight and shake my head, please no!

My dad and brothers all stare at each other, probably having a mental conversation, they turn their head towards Elliot and nod.

While I stood there helplessly shaking my head and pleading for him to not go, damn I'm gonna be a widow already and we aren't even married, forget marriage we haven't even dated for like 10 minutes.

"We can talk in the kitchen," dad suggests while the others nod and follow him out, I do the same while shaking my head,

"Not you," Jayden points, stopping me, he places his hand on the top of my head, stopping me from shaking my head, "stop doing that, your 2 brain cells might fall out,"

I stare gape at him, recovering I smack his hand away, "back of and I swear you guys better not do anything murderish,"

He rolls his eyes and sighs, "fine, we'll stick to only semi muderish," with that he gives me an innocent smile and goes to join the rest in the kitchen, leaving a very shocked and scared me behind.

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