TEN.1| "You sound like a dying cactus"

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"What is this again?" I asked, popping my head in the middle from the backseat of the car.

"It's a carnival," Millie says from the passenger's seat, I nod my head, going back to my seat.

Sarah groans, looking up from her phone, "oh damn, my data's out, let me borrow your phone for a sec, please Jaya," Sarah pleads, giving me her best puppy eyes.

I get my phone out from my jacket pocket and held it out for her, "fine you're buying me candy floss," I sigh

She gives her biggest smile and takes the phone, "thank you!"

I lean closer to Tim, to whisper, "I think you're girlfriend has a phone obsession,"

"I can hear you," Sarah says, not looking up from the phone, I quickly move away from Tim and pretending I didn't say anything, causing Tim to chuckle and shake his head.

I also hear Millie laugh from the front seat, "I thought we had already cleared that...she has a problem,"

I chuckle and reach forward to turn the music up which in reflex causing Dallas to suddenly put his hand out in a protective gesture, "gheez, you scared me! I thought you fell forward," he breathes a sigh of relief and pushes me back, "sit back, you're gonna get hurt... And I don't want your brothers to murder me,"

I roll my eyes and sit back, folding my arms, "wow Dallas and here I thought you actually cared about me,"

He shakes his head and turns to music up for me and suddenly the car was a karaoke room through the whole journey.



"Get out, you broken record," Dallas says standing outside the car, with his seat down waiting for me to get out the car.

Sarah got out the other side and Tim left from Dallas's side, leaving me in the middle still stuck in my karaoke zone.

"Like you're Zayn Malik, you sound like a dying cactus," glaring at him and getting out the car, purposely bumping my shoulder against his and sticking my tongue out at him.

Dallas furrows his burrows and holds his hands out in confusion, "what does that even mean?"

I don't know...

But I said, what I said...

"Let's go," Millie cheers, holding her hand out for me, I quickly skip towards her, taking a hold of her hand as we walked ahead and the guys walked a few steps behind us. I'm glad I could ruin their double date!

"Look at her stealing our girlfriends," I hear Dallas say, causing me to turn around to glare at Dallas, who in response sticks his tongue out at me.

"Don't be so jealous Dallas, not my fault my company is more worthwhile for these girls," I huff, turning back around and walking ahead.

We stop at the gate and after paying for our tickets, we stood in the front, staring ahead at the lively carnival full of people and children.

"Where do you guys wanna go first?" Sarah asks, holding onto Tim's hand.

"How about the couples love boat?" Dallas suggests, giving me a wicked smile,

I give him a blank look at glare at him, "do you want to die?"

He turns his head to me and smiles while nodding, "Okay die then," I smirk, jumping on his back while pulling his hair, "die!"

"Calm down Jay," I hear the rest of them trying to calm me down while also laughing because this was a norm for us.

"Jaya?" I hear another familiar voice call, but this voice didn't belong to anyone in my group. Turning my head to the voice, I stare the person in shock and confusion.

If I hadn't known he always wore that black hat and sunglasses, I could've not guessed it was him but because I had become familiar with his attire, I could recognise him.

"What are you doing here?!" I ask, while still on Dallas's back, who didn't seem to mind anymore because I was no longer interested in balding him. For a moment I would see Dylan clench his jaw before holding his phone up.

Sarah slides in between me and Dylan, "that would be me," she smirks, holding my phone up, this stupid girl!

I jump off Dallas's back, going up to Sarah, "how did you even find him?" I ask, taking my phone back.

She looked confused, "the contact name was weird but I just had to peak at the conversation a little, don't worry I didn't look much. But why was your last conversation about biscuits?"

I hear Dylan sigh, "Oh no please don't bring that up,"

"Chocolate digestives are heaven," I say under my breath

Dylan pretends to cough, but also slipping in a "disgusting,"

Oh, you wanna go again huh?!

Millie steps in, "Alright let's not. Sarah and I thought it'd be nice if Dylan came but we knew you would never agree so we thought why not just surprise you,"

"This surprise is worse than that time you guys thought you could surprise me by taking me swimming, I almost drowned!" I exclaimed, remembering how a few years ago they thought I was upset because they went swimming without me, I can't even swim! I was more upset that they got ice cream afterwards and didn't call me.

Millie awkwardly chuckles, "yeah we didn't know you still hadn't learnt how to swim, sorry but come on he's here now and look he even brought a friend," she points at the guy next to Dylan, Kris, who also had a white cap and sunglasses on to match Dylan's shady aura. He takes his glasses off, giving me smile and waving at me when our eyes met.

I return his smile and wave back at him, turning back to Dylan, "don't you have work or anything?"

Dylan shrugs and smiles, "lucky for you, it happens to be my day off, so I thought why not go out and see my girlfriend,"

In return I give him a disgusted look, "Okay sure join us, it's your death," he looks at me confused but I just shrug and walk past them.

"You guys coming or what?" I call, Sarah still owes me candy floss and now she's gonna wish she actually used my data instead of texting Dylan.


- Authors note -

Hey...How you doin!

Hope you guys liked this chapter!

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Love you guys!😘❤️

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