FIVE.1| "What the f-"

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It was Sunday, the afternoon of our so-called triple date. Dylan texted me on Wednesday saying that we should buy costumes, so we had all easily guessed it was a Halloween party, very original and thoughtful...

He also texted me saying I should dress up as a devil, and I don't know if I should follow up on it because I really don't want my neighbourhood calling up the priest to lecture me. I'm pretty sure my neighbourhood judge People's outfits to see who needs help, "Your costumes represents the inner you," blah blah blah

Please shut your pie hole!

Once I was little, I wanted to be trash can and this lady literally lectured me about self-esteem and how I'm not trash. My brothers had to shut her own door on her face.


Anyways, we all went out on Friday and brought ourselves some costumes. Tim and Sarah are dressing up as, Aladdin and Jasmine. Dallas and Millie are going as, Chucky and Tiffany, lord help me.

Dylan also said that he'd pick me up at 7, we all decided to get ready at Tim's house since his parents are away.

At least this time I didn't need to lie about where I was because I'm actually being allowed to a party, are pig flying or have trees started talking? It's a miracle!

It's probably because Jayden's going to a party and decided to be fair for once, I just pray that Jayden and I are going to different parties.

Grabbing my bag from the bed, which had my change of clothes in, I made my way downstairs.

"Alright kid, be safe and don't do anything you'll regret," dad said as soon as I step foot in the living room. He was sat on the couch in front of the tv.

"Don't worry Dad, I'll be fine," I bend down and hug him from behind the couch, pecking his cheek. When I'm about to leave, I hear Josh speak as he also walks into the room, "did you send me the address?"

"Yes big brother, I did, I sent it last night," I sigh, turning around to face my giant of a big brother.

He gets his phone out to check, and nods, "Alright be safe,"

"Now that I've passed the security test, I shall leave, my carriage awaits. Bye guys, love you," I sing, opening the door and getting out after hearing their responds, I close the door, making my way to the parked car in front of the driveway.

"Finally," the first thing I hear when I open the passenger's door.

"Why do you always act surprised as if you don't know I was being questioned in here," rolling my eyes, I put my seatbelt on.

Dallas rolls his eyes in response and turns the key, switching the car on, "Alright princess, let's go!"

We went around, collecting Millie, who wanted to steal my seat but I refused to move, I'm always stuck in the back, she shall feel my pain. Then we got Sarah and finally made it at Tim's place.

"Thank god its warm in here," I wrap my arms around myself, it's starting to get really cold and I don't know if I want to dress up anymore, I need to wear a short dress.

I run to the living room and sit my self down on the couch, making myself comfortable, "Alright guys it's only 4, so we have some time so I don't know, talk..." or eat...

"Only 4! Honey, we girls need hours to gets ready!" Millie exaggerated, "come on, let the boys do their thing, they only need like an hour to get ready,"

Both the boys shrugged and sat beside me leaving me in the middle, I relaxed back in my seat, "so do I, you girls go do your thing, I'll be up in a bit,"

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