NINE.2 | "You're drooling,"

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I walked around the seat, walking towards a confused and very shocked Dylan,

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asks, as I stood in front of Dylan,

His eyes frantically look around as he bit his lower lip, while awkwardly chuckling, "me? What am I doing here? What exactly am I doing here?" He says the last question more to himself. What's wrong with him...?

"Why are you acting weird and what's with your clothes," I lean closer, tilting my head, "are you wearing makeup?"

Dylan was dressed really nice in a casual/smart outfit, while his dirty blonde hair was nicely parted and styled. Dylan takes a few steps back, "I was experimenting with makeup today, what do you think? Does it look nice?"

I look at him confused but still nod, "I mean yeah it looks good, looks really natural...You haven't told me why you're here?"

His eyes widen, "I didn't?"

I give him a blank look and nod, "No, you didn't?"

His face suddenly lights up, "I'm here to deliver soap! That's what they're modelling today," he breathes a sigh of relief,


I slowly nod at his overly excited behaviour, "that's great, your soap company must be big. What is-"

Before I could finish my sentence, I get cut off as someone calls my name, "Jaya?"

I turn around to the voice, to find Grace staring between me and Dylan while holding a bunch of papers in her hand.

"L-" she was about to say something else but cuts herself off and pulls a confused face as her brows furrow, staring at something behind me,

I follow her eyes, only to find Dylan frantically waving his hands at her but quickly puts them down when he notices me staring and gives me a smile.

"I'll see you around Jaya, I need to, eh...Get the soap," with that Dylan runs back the way he had come from before, leaving not only me but also Grace confused, who whispers to herself, "soap?"

She rolls her eyes and shakes her head, "anyways, why don't you sit down Jaya, I'll let you know what you'll be doing today,"

I nod and take a seat beside her on the sofa and across me was still sat the model, who was staring at me in amusement and looked as if he was holding back his laughter. What's his problem?

"Okay so, you'll be assisting Ki-Nam, who goes by Ki," she points at the beautiful Asian man sitting across from me, so that's his name. He gives me small nod and Grace continues, "you don't really have to do much, you're mostly here to have an insight into a modelling agency and if it's something you want to pursue in the future, so we don't want to scare you away just yet," she finishes with a little laugh, I also give a fake laugh of my own,

'Insight of modelling agency'...Yep, that's why I'm here...

She continues, "even though I'm your supervisor today, Ki will be the one who'll kinda be giving you things to do, I'll also give you something to do if you look too bored to me. Ah and break is at 3:30, that's all from me, I'll be around so if you need anything just let me know, good luck," she pats my shoulder and stands up, getting back to her work.

I look across from me, to find Ki already staring at me, I awkwardly fidget in my seat, my ears picking up the chaos around me,

"Wheres Elliot?"

"The shoots ready, where has he disappeared!?"

"Someone go look for him please,"

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