SEVEN.1| "Tell me about it...Stud,"

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"Stupid Valentine's Day," I muttered, throwing some of my old clothes into a cardboard box, "stupid couples and their stupid romance,"

I came back from university to an empty house, pretty sure Jayden and Josh were out with some poor girl who doesn't know what she's getting herself into to and Dad was at work...or so I think he was.

None of my friends want to hang out because they're all busy, stupid dates! And I can't get discounts in some food places today because I'm single! This is singleism!

Who thought of this day, someone please tell me who thought that today would be a good day to laugh in the face of single people and torture them. WHO?!

Okay, I'm done ranting...

I decided to make this day useful and clean out my room so, I collected some cardboard boxes, one for clothes, one for boxes and others.

Let's say it wasn't very effective with me stopping every time to try on an outfit or read a few pages of a book.

Why do I have like 3 black leather jackets?

I bring out the three jackets, laying them out on my bed.


Okay, the one in the middle wasn't mine, I mean it would look pretty cool, it had the numbers 28 in the back, but if I wore it out and it turned out to be one of my brothers, I'll be dead. Boys and their leather jackets!

I picked it up from the bed, taking it off the hanger and tried it on...

"Tell me about it...Stud," I said coolly while looking in my full-length mirror.

I put my hands into the pockets and feel something in the pocket, huh? I take out the black square box, staring at it, confused. I opened the box, stared at the thing in awh, it was a silver chain with a diamond teardrop hanging of it. It was beautiful.

I tried to search through my memory of whose this could be when I suddenly remembered, I never returned Dylan's jacket. Oops

This looked expensive, why wasn't he searching for it or asking about it...?

I was about to text Dylan but then remembered the last time I saw him was that Halloween party and it's Valentine's Day today, so it's been a few months. Damn...

But I still had to return it, I didn't want him thinking I stole it and go to jail, yeah no.

Hey, remember me...?
I have something of yours that I need to return.

Dylan didn't respond until an hour or so.

The soap company:
Of course I remember you
And what do you need to return, my heart?

No and no
I still have your jacket

The soap company:
You texted me on Valentine's Day, to remind me about my jacket.
You can keep it but I was hoping you'd ask me on a date😉

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