NINE.1 | "Hired for the day"

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"No," Millie repeated, walking ahead.

"Come on, it'll be so much fun," I pleaded,

We were walking around campus when I saw a poster for something called, 'hired for the day' and there was one for being a models assistant. Imagine all those hot guys we'll see.

"You just wanna see the hot guys," Millie knowingly says, and I smile while enthusiastically nodding, Millie rolls her eyes at me, "I can't, take Sarah,"

I groan, "She's obsessed with those people so, she's probably gonna have a heart attack if she finds out,"

But I have a feeling she already knows since this is her kinda thing.

"More reasons to take her, she'll love it," Millie says, standing outside her lecture room, "Anyways I should get going, I'll see you after class." I nod and wave at her, making my way to the cafe near campus.

After ordering a drink and waiting till its ready, I take a seat on a corner table, setting my drink down, pulling out the leaflet I grabbed from the noticeboard.

'Hired for the day'

A fun way to discover what you enjoy and if your dream job is for you

Many Opportunites, available now!

Hurry before spaces are taken

(Limited spaces available)

I looked through the list of jobs, there was a lot from working in a hospital to working in a bakery, but my eyes were on the two important ones, Models assistant and Cartoonist. Luckily they were both on different days, so if I can get both then I can actually do them both.

I dialled the number for the models assistant knowing that, this one would probably have lesser space and be one of the more popular ones.

After a few rings, they finally answered the phone. "hello, Kingdom modelling Agency, this is Rebecca speaking, how may I help you?"

"Hi, my names Jaya and I saw a leaflet in my campus, something about being hired for a day," I calmly said, putting my best 'important phone call' voice.

"Ahh, just a moment please," there's a pause and some random music start playing as she puts me on hold, I bob my head to the horrible music. After a minute or so, she comes back, "hi, yes there are still a few places left so I am able to offer you one of those places,"

I smiled excitedly, "Oh okay that's great,"

She continues, "Okay I'll just take a few details," she starts asking questions about me and after a while, we were finally done, "okay so that's all, I'll see you on Friday, at 1:00 pm and please don't forget to bring your student id for verification,"

"Okay, thank you, bye," I end the call feeling very happy and excited that I actually got a place, I quickly text Sarah letting her know to call as soon as she gets out the lecture because as the lady did say there are only a few spots left.

Call number two now...




I woke up Friday, unusually happy, which kinda scared my family, but who cares.

I dressed casually because I'm pretty sure I was gonna be just running around getting drinks and stuff for the models, so I didn't wanna break my foot in two by wearing heels or sweat a bucket. I grab my jacket from my wardrobe and head downstairs and into the kitchen,

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