6- The Truth Hurts

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To Virgo, today was normal. She got ready for school, went to class, and came home to read. Except that Taurus seemed more gaunt than usual. Disappearing frequently, saying she felt weak, and a loss of weight. Virgo was really worried about her.
Virgo walked into the hallway, expecting to hear something, but nothing happened. Cap was away at track, so he wasn't hear to make any noise, but Taur was. As she approached Taurus' room, Virgo heard very faint groans from behind the door. Oh no no no! Taurus! She busted open the door, and ran to her sister collapsed on the floor.
Taurus was hardly breathing. Her eyes fluttered open and shut. Virgo's older sister was sprawled out on the floor, barely conscious. Virgo knelt down, pumping her sister's chest repeatedly. Breathe, she thought, breathe sis. Please! Taurus gasped, jerking upwards. She fell into Virgo's arms, hacking with her hand over her mouth.
"What...? Happened...?" Taurus' voice was raspy. She still drew shaking breaths. Virgo helped her sit up, leaning her torso against the bed.
"You almost passed out! When I came in, you were barely breathing... I thought you could die!" Taurus froze. Tears began to drip from her terrified green eyes, and she broke into miserable sobs. Virgo pulled her sister into a back hug, "Please, tell me what's wrong!" Taurus violently shook her head, gripping it a few moments after in pain.
Still holding her sister, Virgo picked up her phone, which she'd dropped on the floor, and dialed her brother.
"What's wrong?"
"Taurus collapsed on the floor, is bawling her eyes out, and won't tell me why!"
"Oh god!" He paused, "Do you really want to know?"
"Yes! Please, I can't stand to see her like this!"
"Alright, I'm coming now." A few minutes later, the front door creaked open. Capricorn soon appeared in the doorway of Taurus' room, hand over his mouth. Taur had fallen asleep by now, snoring softly as she curled up into a ball. Virgo and Cap both lifted her onto the bed, gently pulling the covers over her. Capricorn led Virgo the his room, closing the door so they'd have privacy.
"What's wrong, Cap?" He signed, placing a hand on her shoulder. She looked worriedly at him, "Please!" Virgo was straight begging now, but nothing mattered more than her big sister's wellbeing.
"She has this eating disorder. It's called bulimia, and those who have it... Basically binge and purge. I've tried to convince her to get help, but she's too scared!"
"Scared? Of what?" Virgo  squeezed her brother's wrist. This was worse than she'd thought!
"Do you know why she's like this?" Virgo shook her head sadly, "There were people, at our old school, who teased her about how pretty she was compared to you. Primarily less than. They threatened that if she told you, they'd make her life a living hell." Virgo was furious. Those little twats had told her sister that? Right behind her back? This could not stand. Her hands twitched, she could feel Cap shaking too. He was looking at her with fire in his eyes. She felt scared, not for her own safety, but for those he was mad at.
"I want to get them back. Give them what they deserve!" She growled, her hands curling in and out of fists in rage. Little did she know, green mist was slowly gathering at her fingertips. Capricorn looked at her straight in the eyes, a dark expression and twisted smile on his face.
He whispered, fury also leaking into his voice, "So do I. They'll get it, soon enough..."
Silence. Virgo could clearly see now the tiny shoots sprouting from Capricorn's floor. She didn't care, in fact, she was glad she had a way to punish those who'd hurt her sister. Virgo began to giggle. She felt something she hadn't in such along time she'd almost forgotten it. It was a cool, malicious rage. The vines curled around her arms. She fluttered her fingers and they twisted to her will.
"You know," Capricorn muttered, "there are some of those people at our school now, they still hurt her..." He looked at Virgo's stomach.
"It's glowing," he mentioned, showing the back of his right knee, "Mine too, I think." The Capricorn symbol was shining a dark emerald green like his eyes. Virgo lifted her shirt and her symbol glinted a similar color.
"Don't tell Taurus, okay?"
"Of course not! She'll try to stop us." He looked at Virgo once again, "Then again, nothing can really..." True, nothing can.
Not when we're like this.

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