29- A Day Like Any Other (Or Is It?)

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Libri was focused on her painting, trying to get the angle just right. Her tiny pink tongue was stuck out the side of her mouth in concentration, pulling at her lip. She let out a frustrated huff, dropping the brush and stepping back from the canvas. The object clattered on the ground, small droplets of paint spraying across the floor and onto Libri's legs. A slow creak followed, alerting Libri that someone had entered her room.
Scorp stood in the doorway, midnight blue gown draping down her figure to her knees. She smiled at Libri, the corners of her lips tugged up in amusement.
"Having trouble?" Libri sighed sadly. Scorp walked over to her and sat on the seat nearest to her.
"Yes, unfortunately." Libri let out a growl of frustration. Scorp smiled coyly and strutted to her side. She picked up an unused paint brush, fingering the bristles. Satisfied, she turned to Libri.
"Do you know what I think will make you feel better?" Libri shook her head clearly confused. Scorp stepped closer until she was only inches away, "Let me show you..." She ran the brush over Libri's hand, causing her to gasp quietly. Libri shivered at the tingling sensation on her hand, but not to recoil. Far from it, actually.
Scorp trailed the brush further up Libri's arm, her free hand resting on the other girl's bare shoulder. Libri bit her lip, unable to focus on what she'd previously been doing. Scorp's hand moved from her shoulder to her exposed upper back, fingers tapping down her spine. The touch sent undeniable tingles up Libri's skin, and she exhaled heavily. Scorp snorted softly, and her fingers wandered to the hem if her shirt, slipping under the soft fabric.
"S-scorp!" Libri whimpered. The brush had long been left on the table, both of Scorp's hands roaming across her body. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore. Libri sprung from her chair and grabbed the neckline of Scorp's dress. She pulled the other girl with her, pinning her to the bed.

Scorp stumbled back in surprise. She hadn't expected Libri to be so... Sudden. Still, she grinned slightly, letting the thinnest line of her teeth to show. This seemed to only aggravate Libri, as, moments later, her lips crashed into Scorp's. Hands wandered along her sides, and Scorp responded by trailing her fingers down the other girl's bare back. Libri sighed heavily again, and her hands went behind Scorp's back, a small click sounding as a button was released.
Scorp gently placed her hands on Libri's shoulders, holding her an inch from her face. The other girl's warm breath tickled her face, and Libri stared at her, breathless.
"Are you sure about this?" Libri smiled ever so slightly, the light of desire in her eyes.
"Yes." That was all she needed to hear. Scorp grabbed Libri's neck and pulled her down into another kiss. This time, she didn't stop the hands that slowly but surely unbuttoned the clasps along the back of her dress. Her own hands untied the ribbon around Libri's waist, slipping it off her and tossing it to the side. Libri giggled, her fingers now running the length of Scorp's newly bare back. Scorp tugged at the edge of Libri's shirt, and the other girl stopped kissing her for a second, if only so she could pull off the piece of clothing.
Libri got up and locked the door. Then, she smiled at Scorp, leaning over her with lips slightly open. When Scorp nodded, she flicked off the lights.

Caprice adjusted her crossbow again, shifting the bolt so it rested snugly in the small groove along the shaft. She pulled the string back, carefully taking aim. Then, when she was satisfied with the orientation, she released the cord and let it fly.
It hit the bullseye with a satisfying thunk. Someone the came out from behind the board, pulling out the bolt as she went. It was Sagi, her crimson shirt fiery in the sunlight, and fitting black leggings on her lower half. She held a long cord with a small but still exceptionally sharp blade dangling from the end. Caprice waved a friendly greeting to her, and Sagi responded with a beaming grin back. Caprice walked up to her, taking the bolt when it was offered and pecking her girlfriend on the cheek.
"How's it going?" She asked cheerily. Sagi shrugged and started swinging her whip. It snapped crisply in the air, the bladed end flashing every time it was hit by sunlight.
"Alright. I'm glad Sag is back though, I really missed him..." Sagi gave a bittersweet smile, gaze not breaking from her weapon.
"We all did, honestly. And yeah, I am glad they're all home again!" Caprice trotted over to Sagi, hands lowering the other's arms gently. The whip's bladed tip dug into the ground on impact. She drew Sagi in for a short kiss, and she had to lean a bit on her toes to be level. Sagi smiled, ruffling Caprice's hair playfully. Caprice tapped her on the nose, and Sagi stepped back and gasped in mock offense. They both broke down laughing, grins on their faces. Sagi pulled Caprice into a kiss this time, hands grasping the other girl's. They both pulled back, blushing and breathless. Sagi motioned for them to both enter the house. Caprice set her crossbow onto the weapon's rack and followed her inside.

Walking down the halls, Sagi heard the usual cacophony of chatter and other various noises. Perfectly usual. She even heard the voices of Sagittarius and his partner, Gemini. Sagi liked the girl, having known her from a young age. She was sweet and innocent, often talking up a storm about nothing in particular but still making it interesting.
The usual clamour was interrupted by sharper, louder noises from a different room down the hall. It was coming from Libri's room, judging from the echoes around the door. Also, judging from the exact type of noises, and the fact the door was closed and lights were off, it was definitely from that room.
Sagi had been born with enhanced senses. Touch, scent, sight, hearing, and occasionally taste. Though that aspect was more  tasting from the air like a snake or cat. Caprice raised her brow in an unspoken question and Sagi just smirked in response, knowing full well Caprice was looking at her thoughts. Caprice snorted, putting a hand to her mouth to stifle it. Sagi grabbed her wrist and dragged her down the hall to her own room.
The space was warmly colored, various shades of reds, oranges, yellows, and golden browns were scattered across the expanse. Sagi plopped onto the sheets, patting a spot next to her for Caprice to sit on. The girl nestled in next to her, her head laid on Sagi's shoulder. Sagi reached to tuck a stray hair behind Caprice's ear, eliciting a breathy giggled from her. Caprice placed her hands behind Sagi's neck, pulling her into a warm, long kiss. After what seemed like hours, they both drew back, deep, panting breaths released from their lips. Caprice smiled with sparkling green eyes up at Sagi, head once again nestled in the crook of her neck and chin. She looked so sweet, her soft pink lips opened slightly and her wide eyes staring up at Sagi. Caprice then yawned and smuggled in closer to Sagi, her arms wrapping around Sagi's waist. The other girl took Caprice's hands and let her sink onto the sheets. Sagi smiled lovingly at her girlfriend, watching as Caprice's eyelids slowly fluttered closed. Soon, the room was silent except for the soft breathing of both girls, Caprice's soft and rythmic, while Sagi's was almost silent. She too soon fell asleep, her arms curling protectively around Caprice as she nuzzled her head into the space between Sagi's shoulder and neck. Sagi sighed contentedly and let her eyes droop closed.

*Standing off to the side* Aww! That was so sweet! Nice note to end off the chapter, eh? I think so. Hope things stay calm like this (no they won't, obviously.)
I gotta run! See you in the next chapter, darlings! Toodles!

Sides of a MirrorDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora