14- Be Brave, You're Loved

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Having learned of Aries' terrible situation, Aquarius was determined to do something. He needed to talk to her. Alone. Arriving at school, Aquarius went straight to the basketball courts, where he knew he'd find her. To his surprise, she wasn't there. Strange... She's usually here by now... This was both concerning and confusing, Aries was never late to school. In fact, she was always early! As Aquarius went about his day, he didn't see her siblings either. This only served to worry him even more.

Lunchtime. Aquarius walked to his usual table, still no Aries, or Sagittarius, or even Leo. His mates, Draco and Cygnus, looked equally confused.
"Do you guys have any idea of where Aries and her siblings are?" They others shook their heads.
"Not a clue," Draco muttered, "I haven't gotten a response from any of them since last night! It's really worrying!"
Cygnus nodded, "I agree. There seems to be something very wrong about this whole situation." Just then, Gemini and Libra ran up to them, distressed looks on their faces. Aquarius could understand why, after all, both his siblings were in relationships with Leo and Sag. Having them so unusually disappear must be concerning, especially if they hadn't responded to messages.
"Where are they?" Libra was trying hard to keep his composure, the look on his face was terrified. Gemini looked like she was about it scream, cheeks puffed out and eyes wide as saucers. Aquarius would've laughed, but he was also panicking.
"Breathe, Gemi! Don't suffocate yourself!" Aquarius hit her on the back lightly and she exhaled, slapping a hand over her mouth so she wouldn't scream. Libra put a hand on her shoulder, doing a much better job of looking calmer than he was in comparison to Gemini. Oh dear god! I want to freak out too! But I know I can't do that... Gah!
Aquarius stood up from the table and led his two younger siblings out of the cafeteria, to the gardens.
"You alright?" Libra whispered in his ear.
"No! Absolutely not!" Aquarius hissed before bolting for the bushes, dragging the others along with him. When they reached the flower patch, one of heather, he collapsed on the ground and started shrieking.
"This is bad! Really bad!" Libra jumped back, surprised at his brother's sudden outburst.
"What? What's really bad?"
Unable to contain his terror, Aquarius screamed, "THOSE THREE ARE AT HOME WITH THEIR TERRIBLE MOTHER! IF I'M CORRECT, SHE COULD BE DOING ANY MATTER OF HARM TO THEM! ALL OF THEM!" He coughed, drained of energy. He started crying, only adding to his mental breakdown.
Libra's hand was clapped over his mouth, eyes even wider. Apparently, Leo hadn't yet told him about her mother and the horrible treatment even she was getting now. "No..." He choked out, "No, no, no! Not them! Not Leo!" Gemini stuffed her head into a bush, her muffled screams still heard by her brothers.
"Do we have a way to get to them?" Aquarius had calmed down a little. Libra's eyes lit up as he asked the question, and he dove into his backpack. After a bit of rustling, he triumphantly pulled out a slip of paper.
"Leo gave me her address, though she told me not to come unless absolutely necessary..." He paused, huffing to remain calm, "I guess now is one of those times!"
Aquarius stared at him, "Yes! Definitely one of those times! We're going, now!" Gemini popped her head out of the bush, her screams having ended. She nodded profusely and the three sprinted to the office for a check out.

They arrived at the Embross's house. The door was locked, but after a bit of Libra's lockpicking (neither Aquarius nor Gemini knew how he'd learned that,) it opened. They heard screams and yelling from upstairs.
Putting a finger to his lips, Aquarius crept into the house and up the stairs. The shrieks grew louder, the anguish in them more and more clear as they neared the origin of the sound. Though muffled, they could hear voices from behind the door.
"Leave her alone!" Sagittarius... He sounded so scared, voice shaking though his words were brave.
"Mother, please!" It was Leo, pleading with that horrible woman. Libra growled, causing Aquarius to turn around. His brother's eyes gleamed a hard gold, his face grim. Gemini bore a similar expression, her eyes silver and teeth clenched.
Aquarius couldn't hear Aries. Wait... Are they pleading for her? Is she- Rage filled him and he started to shake, She better not be! He slammed open the door, three faces whipped around to face him. Leo's shocked yet relieved, Sagittarius' also surprised and relived, but desperate too, and their mother's, twisted into a scowl.
"Who are you?" She hissed, stalking towards them. None of the Air Signs moved, brazened by anger and sheer determination.
"A.. Qua... Rius?" Aries croaked, her voice barely audible. Aquarius looked at her, shaking violently as he saw her battered body lying on the floor, bleeding marks laced across her arms and face. If it has to be this way, then so be it.
He turned, eyes burning with ice cold rage, to Aries' mother, voice low and threatening, "That's enough." She leered at him, not paying attention. He raised his voice, his hands expelling frosty blue mist, "I said... THAT'S ENOUGH!" Instinctively, he raised his hands, the mist gathering in his palms into balls. He threw them at Aries' mother, stunning her long enough to run over to Aries while the others staved her off longer.
"ARIES!" Aquarius shook his friend, tears beginning to pool in his eyes, "Please! Answer me!"
She whimpered, to weak to respond. He held her in his arms, not caring about anything but her survival. Tears now falling from his eyes, he leaned down. His lips interlocked with hers and he felt her hands wrap around him.
Live! He pleaded silently, please, live!

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