17- Read, Reflect

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Capricorn followed Taurus curiously to the living room. There, Cancer, sitting with her hands placed in her lap, noticed them entering and got up to talk to them. As she did, Capricorn noticed she was keeping her arms plastered to her body, hiding something she didn't want them to see. Cancer... What are you hiding from me?
She glanced at him. I have to tell him, he heard her think. He deserves to know... Besides, can't keep it a secret much longer anyway... Capricorn's expression turned from curious to concerned in an instant. Tell me... Tell me what? He blinked, now staring as subtly as he could at the girl. Cancer...
A memory flashed in his mind. A gleaming silver blade, a slash of blood red, Taurus' cry, sobs, pain, fear... Then relief, sorrow, and a promise. I will stop this, I will beat this! I know I will, I must! I promise... I promise.
Oh god! Capricorn struggled to keep his hand from his mouth. Oh Cancer, no! He spoke softly, still shaken by what he'd just seen, "What did you want to tell me, Cancer?" She took a deep breath.
"Not here, please!" Capricorn nodded. He offered his hand, Cancer took it, and he led her down the hall to his room. When they were sitting in the bed, facing each other, she finally spoke.
"I- I'm a cutter. I have this depression, and it just... Relieves the pain... For a while." Crystal tears started to trickle down her cheeks, and she hung her head, "I wanted to tell you because- I... I trust you..." She said the last line very softly, "And I love you... You deserve to know." She winced in pain. She curled into a tiny ball, sobs racking her body. Capricorn gently rolled her onto her back, his hand on her stomach. Eyes glistening with tears, he leaned down... And kissed her. He wanted her to know he understood, that he cared, because he did. As he did so, Capricorn spoke gently in her mind.
Thank you for telling me. I know that was hard for you.
You do? She didn't seemed that surprised, relieved, actually.
I read minds. It's not hard for me to figure out their emotions from there...
So you knew about... That... Before I said so?
Yes, but I knew you had to say it. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to tell you this casually to be honest!
Oh! Haha! He pulled back. Cancer was blushing, a rosy flush along her cheeks. She looked so sweet, her mouth slightly open and her hair flared out behind her. Slowly, she sat up, Capricorn grasping her hand.
Cancer touched a hand to her lips, still savouring the moment that'd just happened. Wow... I can't believe that just happened!
"Neither can I!" Capricorn laughed, booping Cancer's nose. She giggled, poking him back in the cheek. I love you.
I love you too, Cancer.

Taurus was wondering where the other two were, but decided to not ask. Just then, Scorpio came up to her.
"What'cha waiting for, Taurus?" She snorted.
"Cancer and Cap. They've been in there for some time now... Wonder what's going on..." Scorpio snickered, Taurus noticing immediately, "Don't think dirty!" He cracked up laughing.
"I can't help it! Blame the internet, not me!"
Taurus rolled her eyes at him, "I'll blame you all I want!" Scorpio smirked, his eyes gleaming.
"Can I... Tell you something?" Taurus cocked her head curiously.
"O... Kay?" Scorpio cleared his throat, "Right! Privately!" He nodded. They both walked down the hall to Taurus' room. Scorpio sat on the bed with her, his eyes meeting hers. She smiled, wondering just what the boy was up to.
"Alright, for starters, thank you for helping Cancer. She really needed that. Second of all..." He paused, his gaze locked with hers. Taurus found her cheeks heating up involuntarily. Uhhh...! Help me somebody!
"I've been waiting for the right time to tell you this, and since we're here, why not." Scorpio scooted closer to her, keeping their eyes still locked. Taurus found herself holding her breath, "I like you, I really do! I also... Get what you're going through. Your issue, I mean..." My issue? How would he know about that?
"How-?" He cut her off.
"Capricorn told me. Anyways, as I was going to say, I get you. I have a similar condition. Feeling terrible like that, though I don't hurt myself... Anymore. I did once, but it didn't help, just made it worse. Taurus... I wanted to say..." He smiled at her kindly, "I care about you. Not as a sister, or a friend, as a partner, a lover." Taurus' eyes stretched wide. He... What? She replayed the scene in her head. Oh my goodness! I- She found her thoughts interrupted by the pressure of lips on hers. Taurus' eyes fluttered closed, and she leaned into the kiss. After, she peeked a bit, seeing Scorpio's sea blue eyes also open a slit. He chuckled softly, so much so Taurus almost couldn't hear it. But she did. Taurus crawled over to him, wrapping her arms around his torso and pulling him close. A bit hesitant at first, he hugged back, then it became more sure, and she felt him nip her neck. She gasped, the sensation tingling pleasantly. Scorpio snorted, and pulled them both down to the bed. He leaned back over, once again nipping Taurus' neck, but firmer this time, with clear intent. She made a tiny sound, and he began to kiss it, moving from her collarbone to under her chin. Taurus bit her lip, tiny squeals still escaping her lips. A while later, he stopped, letting his head fall onto the pillow. A rosy blush spread across Taurus' cheeks, and she turned her head away.
"S-scorpio..." She muttered. Of course, he carefully turned it back, kissing her again to stop any further movement. It was pure bliss. Taurus giggled.
Yeah... I could get used to this...

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