33- A Perfect Pair

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Ophi bounced excitedly as the female Earth and Water signs (save Pi, as she was busy with the music and Caprice, doing who knows what) tried to wrestle her into her dress. It was a deep midnight blue, simple yet elegant silk fabric flowing around her, set with blue opals and small diamonds. Her silver hair had one braid through it that was looped around her head like a crown, accented with tiny white flowers. Ophiucus' actual crown was set with sapphires and pearls, delicate silver wiring carved with intricate designs. The engagement ring Noctis had given her still sat on her finger, blue opal glittering the colors of the sea. Even from her place inside her room, she could smell a hint of sea breeze, courtesy of Scorpio.
"Don't fidget so much!" Virgo sighed, "Stay still so we can get this on you properly!" Taurus giggled sweetly.
"Oh, let it go, Virgo! She just has nerves since it's her wedding day."
"Nerves?" Scorp snorted, "Seems more like excitement to me!" Ophiucus laughed lightheartedly. Her friends bickering was likely also brought on by the wedding. All the Zodiacs and the two families involved in the union were very jumpy over the ceremony. And this one was for the public. The real ceremony would be held in private, with only friends and family, at the beach on a cliff overlooking the shore. Ophiucus smiled at the thought of it, her grin so happy it encouraged the others to smile as well. Then, argument apparently forgotten, they continued to prep her. Finally, they were finished. All four stepped back, admiring their handiwork.
Cancer gave a shy yet proud smile, "You look beautiful, dear." Ophi hugged her, whispering thanks for her excellent hand in the creation of the dress. After all, it was her hand that did the simple embroidery and helped to design the rest of the gown. Libra had done most of the base sewing as well as designing. Both of them worked diligently to create her ensemble, and Ophiucus made a mental note to also thank Libra later.

Meanwhile, Noctis was fidgeting nervously as he waited, fingering his royal blue tie. His suit was a creamy white with silver accents, sewn by Libra and designed by, again, Libra, and Capricorn, who knew a little about sewing from his cousins. He wore no crown, as he wasn't a royal or a noble for that matter. Scorpio sat next to him, a placid smile on his face.
"Nervous?" This guy... He can read me just as much as Cap can!
"A little..." Scorpio laughed aloud.
"A little? Really now? Last I saw you, you looked like a kid who's had one too many candy bars!" They both laughed, Noctis looking up to glare at Scorpio, only making him laugh harder. A throat cleared behind them, alerting the two of the new person standing in the next row of seats. They turned around to see a smirking Capricorn, one eyebrow raised and his head inclined to the right. He gently lowered Noctis' hand from his tie, clicking his tongue.
"Don't mess that up, Libra worked really hard on it. Anyway-"
Someone hollered from the arch, "A little help, guys?" Caprice shouted as she stared at them, her face flustered from the effort of holding up the heavy piece or marble that was to be part of the arch. Her auburn hair was whipping into her face from the wind, and she was clearly straining to hold her burden. The other two men rushed over to help her, and she heaved a sigh of relief as the weight was lifted off her shoulders- literally. Sagi walked up to Caprice and kissed her lightly on the forehead. Caprice giggled and blushed, linking her arm in Sagi's and skipping off to help with something else. Probably the music, as they had the minority of people working there.

Soon, all the preparations were finally finished, and the audience of all the people within the kingdom were gathered for the ceremony. It was relatively short as far as weddings go, and all those not invited to the private ceremony were dismissed and farewelled. Then, the party moved to the villa on the coast, changing into more appropriate attire and leaving behind the castle to be cleaned later.

Ophiucus, walked down the isle by Sagittarius (because her father was dead and Sag was the oldest), was beaming brightly as she was guided to the arch. She glided down the isle, the ocean breeze fluttering the skirt of the dress and veil. Her crown had been removed and replaced by a circlet of pearls set in gold. Her silver hail was now unbound and free to flutter about in the winds, framing her face. Ophi looked innocent, almost like a lovely child as she walked to her place beside Noctis. He gave her a soft grin, eyes shining with love as Celeste officiated their ceremony. The vows were different than those earlier that day, more dedicated to each other rather than the kingdom's wellbeing.
After several minutes of speaking, Celeste said those few key words; "You may now kiss the bride." Noctis dipped Ophiucus, lifting her off her feet as their lips met in a warm and happy kiss. The others erupted into cheers, some of them (the original Water and Earth signs, Scorpio included, the opposite Fire signs, in particular the Leos, Libras, Geminis, Caprice, Aqua, and Pi) were even crying of joy, albeit at different levels. Aries beamed proudly at them, Aquarius giving them both a thumbs up. Sagittarius held Gemini with one arm while he smiled, giving Noctis a tiny nod.
The happy couple whooped and Noctis carried Ophiucus bridal style to the reception, the Zodiacs and Celeste racing after them. Everyone took a minute to change for dancing, then ran back out to the hidden grotto along the coast for said reception. Each of the couples walked or ran together, holding hands and laughing joyfully. Aries and Aquarius, as well as Aren and Tauran, arrived first. They found their seats and waited for the others to arrive.
Pi and Aqua climbed onto the stage set up on the back wall, as well as Scorpio and Taurus, who arrived second. As soon as they were all present, the four on the stage began to sing and play in a tune quite familiar to them all

You guys know this one too...

"I found a love, for me... Darling just dive right in, follow my lead..."
Noctis grabbed Ophiucus by the hips and led her to the dance floor. Together, they spun around the grotto, laughing and grinning the whole time. Caprice and Sagi were next, then Capricorn and Cancer. Soon, all of them were spinning merrily around the dance floor, save the performers and Celeste, who had no partner. She seemed perfectly content with this, however, and went to the stage, adding to the melody with her guitar. Ophiucus had never been so happy in her life. Oh! If only Mother and Father could see me now! Her eyes teared at the thought, pleasant memories of her family flooding her mind. Noctis seemed to notice this, pulling her in closer and pressing their lips into a kiss. Ophi was lost in the lovely warm sensation that came from it, spreading through her body down her neck and back and to her toes. She could hear the soaring voice of her older sister from the stage, and smiled against the kiss at the idea her sister had loosened up a bit.
After the dancing ended, some of the others stepped up to give a speech about the couple. Scorpio, Capricorn and Cancer, and Leo in particular were such powerful speakers that they brought everyone else to tears. Capricorn and Cancer's was sweet and eloquent, Leo's was honest and quirky, and Scorpio's was full of raw emotion. Then, Aqua stepped up. Pi followed behind her, holding her violin, they began to play and sing a soft tune, ringing around the grotto in melodious stanza. Libri and Scorp stood, their voices adding to the harmony. Ophiucus almost wept from the happiness that her friends had gone so far to make her happy on this one day, and for the countless times they'd done so before. Soon, all the others except for Ophiucus and Noctis were carrying the tune, their accumulated voices fading along with the music. It was the perfect end to the celebration, even Celeste couldn't hold back her elated smile.
Someone yelled, "To the beach!" And the whole lot scrambled down the rocks, scaling the cliff or just jumping into the sand, racing towards the lapping waves. They all slipped off their formal attire, revealing swimwear underneath. Ophiucus was among the first to dive into the ocean, the original Water signs the very first to do so. Capricorn and his sister leaped in next, splashing Cancer with a spray of glittering droplets. She squeaked and grabbed Capricorn's legs from underwater, causing him to yelp as she dragged him under. They came up a few minutes later, their hair mussed and eyes shining. Caprice waved enthusiastically to Sagi, who rolled her eyes but dived in anyways. The two girls laughed as they frolicked in the water. The Air signs were next, dragging their respective partners into the waves despite their protests. Leo went to slap Libra, only to change her mind and kiss him instead. Sagittarius shrieked, but relaxed as Gemini led him slowly into the water. Aries actually had no trouble after she got in the water, spraying water into Aquarius' face and maneuvering away from him every time he tried to retaliate. She hooted in laughter and jumped on him, which resulted in a gigantic splash that covered everyone. Celeste came up from underneath Ophiucus, surprising her and knocking her off her feet.
"Boo! Heheh!" Ophi's older sister giggled as she pulled her sister up again. Noctis laughed and splashed them both.
"Heads up!" The shout came from behind the three, all of them turning to see Cance flipping into the water near them. He poked his head up moments later, looking breathless and exhilarated. He dragged Gemin with him, who whimpered at first but asked to do it again after.
After a while, they all climbed onto the shore and rested. All of them were panting and out of breath, but they all had excitement shining in their eyes and exhilaration tingling in their bones. Pi wandered off to grab something, Aqua casting a glance at her before laying back down on the warm sand.
It'd been several minutes since Pi had left, and they were all staring to worry.
Even longer, about a half hour had past, yet no one wanted to think it was what they thought it was.
Fed up with the silence and inaction, Aqua picked herself up and went to look for her. A few minutes later, the others heard a high pitched scream echo from the grotto.
"PI!" Aqua shouted as she ran to the side of her limp girlfriend. Two thin blades were stabbed through her feet, blood leaking from the blades and down her skin. She was unconscious and out cold. Even worse, a mark was on her left foot, a bit past her Zodiac mark.
It looked like a crumbling rose.

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