10- Guardian Angel

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Second part of the Revenge sequence, this time with Capricorn. Also, adding a quote I made up.

No matter what they say or what they do, I'll always be, your Guardian Angel.

This quote echoed over and over in Capricorn's ears. He was furious, filled with anger at Taurus' tormentors. After having just told Virgo the day before, he'd stayed up all night (not really all night, but for some time) thinking about just what he would do to those little- Language, Capricorn. Guardian angel, eh? Well, he grinned darkly, imagining his vengeance,
"I guess I have to be their death angel..."

Virgo came up to him, rage also hidden behind her serene expression. She gave his a tiny smile, not speaking. At least, not out loud.
So, she thought to him, got a plan?
Yes, he responded, just wait till' lunch, then I'll tell you. Alright?
She shrugged. Okay! They walked to their separate classes, identical smiles on their faces. Capricorn thought some more, wondering if Taurus would be left alone after what he'd planned. She better be! Or else...
He spotted her chatting with a group of three people. Capricorn, being a mind reader, immediately knew they were siblings. He didn't wish to probe further, however, it wasn't his style.
"Hello Taurus, I see you have some new friends now." She nodded.
"Yup! I met Scorpio yesterday, and he introduced me to Cancer," she motioned to the only other girl standing there, "and Pisces!" She motioned to the blonde haired boy. Cancer had long black hair and crystal blue eyes, wearing a cute sky blue sundress. Pisces, her oldest sibling (again, mind reader), had the aforementioned blonde hair and dark sapphire eyes. He wore a sea green dress shirt and navy blue blazer, along with the same color pants and black shoes. Scorpio, the youngest, had jet black hair like his sister, and sea blue eyes. His outfit was composed of a black coat that concealed his shirt, sea green, Capricorn read, and matching black pants and sneakers. He then recognized that Scorpio was staring at him with a puzzled and suspicious expression, his eyebrow slightly raised.
He whispered very quietly, "Are you reading my mind?" Capricorn snorted. So he knows, huh?
Capricorn whispered back, "Yes. How can you tell?" Scorpio simply looked at him.
"I can feel something poking at me. And you looked at me like someone who just learned something interesting," he chuckled, "I guess we have similar knacks, huh?" Capricorn nodded in agreement. He liked Scorpio, aside from the fact he knew Scorpio was reading his emotions right now. Very similar. Just that I hear words and you feel feelings.
Did you just talk in my head?
I also have telepathy, just I've never used it except with my sisters. Particularly Virgo, the youngest.
You seem... Distracted...
Don't worry about that. I've got a lot going on in my head.
Pisces too...
Yeah, I know.
Of course you do! The bell for class rang shrilly in their ears.
"We should go to class..." Scorpio nodded compliantly.
"Good idea!" He pulled Cancer along with him and ran to another classroom down the hall. Taurus waved goodbye to Pisces as he also walked away. She the turned to Capricorn.
"Were you...?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

Finally. Lunch had arrived after several hours of class. Normally, Capricorn didn't mind the work they had to do. He enjoyed learning! But today he was very distracted with the fog of anger in his head. They will get what they deserve. Whether Taurus likes it or not!
Virgo popped into his peripheral vision. She waved to him, her hands slightly twitching. Only he noticed it though.
Ready? He asked.
Only if you tell me, Cap.
Okay then. He whispered his idea into her ear. Though it was less whisper and more think. She smiled grimly.
"Alright. Well, where are they?"
Capricorn pointed to four students hissing inconspicuously at Taurus. "Right. There." Virgo took a deep breath, then strolled as casually as she could over to them.
"Well, hello there! I see you've engaged in conversation with my sister, Taurus. However, those aren't very nice things to say..." She giggled, but the sound was far from light hearted. Tiny vines sprouted from the ground and curled around her arms to her palms. They waved around as her fingers twitched, "Why don't I teach you some proper manners?" She giggled again, louder this time, until she was laughing wildly. The students backed away from her in fear, and Taurus stood there, stunned at her normally calm sister's outburst.
Capricorn came out of his spot hidden in the bushes, "don't be scared! We won't hurt you!" He grinned coldly, his voice having dropped an octave, "at least, we don't have to..." The students were even more scared, huddled in a ball. One of the bolder ones spoke up.
"Get away! We're not scared of you!" Capricorn laughed menacingly.
"Oh you're not, are you?" He stepped closer to them, Virgo doing the same, "then prove it!" Virgo flicked her hands, the plants surrounding the students leaped out at them and they screamed. They were each bound in vines, writhing and trying to escape. Just as Capricorn was about to touch a finger to the forehead of the girl who'd spoken, a hand gripped his shoulder.
"Cap, please! Don't hurt them! Don't be like them!" Taurus' terrified voice cut through the cloud of rage within Capricorn. His mind cleared, and the fear stricken thoughts of the bound students instantly hit him like a truck. Reeling, he back away from them, sitting down and gripping his head in pain. What I- I- What am I doing? Virgo had stopped, obviously confused by his sudden actions. She walked over to him, concern on her face.
"Are you okay, brother?" He nodded.
"Let them go." Virgo was in obvious shock. Even more confused, she started to mouth a 'what?' Before Capricorn pressed a finger to her temple. He sensed Virgo's mind clear, and the plants loosening their grip on the students. When he opened his eyes again, only one had stayed behind. He looked curiously at her.
"Are you alright?" He asked, she smiled timidly at him to let him know she was okay. She swallowed, then spoke.
"Y-yes. I'm fine." Her eyes watered and she began to cry, "I'm so sorry! I never should've said those things! I-!" Capricorn placed a firm hand on her shoulder.
"We all do things we regret. We just have to learn from them. It's okay."
Taurus smiled kindly at her, "I forgive you, Ursa. I know you didn't mean it." Forgiveness. Capricorn wondered, I guess that's what I missed this whole time.
Yes, that's exactly it.

I said I'd be your Guardian Angel. And I was. But then you told me, "To be a true guardian angel, you must guard others too." So I will. I swear I will protect those that need protection, for you.
So then I'll truly be, your Guardian Angel.

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