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You can tell what's about to happen by the image above ;). Good luck guessing who! (They're not the Zodiacs or their opposites, or the Queen.) Here we go!

Noctis poked his head through the curtain of the infirmary. He chewed his lip anxiously while he waited for Ophi to be released from her cot. After the fight with Umbra, she'd perpetually passed out, and he'd just barely caught her before she gave herself a concussion. Virgo walked up to him and motioned for him to come inside, silently. He treaded softly through the curtain, eyes softening as he saw Ophiucus sleeping soundly. She murmured and rolled over, her eyes fluttering open as she awakened. Noctis smiled at her, keeping his distance so he wouldn't harm her. Ophi snorted, realizing what he had in mind, and beckoned him closer with her finger. He hesitated, not knowing what to do, which caused Ophiucus to sigh in exasperation.
"You can come over, Noctis. I'm not a piece of glass!" Noctis scoffed but sat next to her on the bed. He looked around, frowning slightly as he spotted Virgo still standing there, watching them. He cleared his throat loudly.
Virgo rolled her eyes, "Alright, Alright. I'm going!"
She walked out of the room, glancing back one last time in amusement. Then, they both heard the door creak closed. Noctis looked back at Ophiucus. She grinned up at him, her dark silver eyes sparkling.
"I need to tell you something." Ophiucus nodded, slowly getting up and sitting beside him. Noctis grabbed her hand and stood up, pausing for a moment, "Can you walk?"
Ophi scoffed, "Of course I can! Though, I can't be outside the hospital perimeters. I do know I nice place though, on the balcony." She led him to a small ledge bordered by delicate gold fencing. Noctis bit his lip, trying not to freak out in front of Ophi. She giggled as she witnessed his struggle, cocking her head curiously.
"Got something to say?" Noctis smiled, nerves forgotten.
"Close you eyes and turn around, okay?" Ophiucus nodded, putting her hands over her eyes and swiveling until she couldn't see the barest crack of light behind her. Noctis carefully pulled out a black velvet box, opening it before speaking again, "You can look now."
Ophiucus turned around, gasping as she saw the small silver ring Noctis was holding. Her eyes filled with crystal tears that leaked down her face in pure joy. Ophi's hand was over her mouth, her eyes shining as she looked at Noctis. The ring was a dark silver, deep blue opal set in the metal and a ocean blue gem glittering at the top. Noctis rose from his kneeling position, gently grasping Ophiucus' hand as he did.
"Ophiucus, I have but one thing to say, will you marry me?" Ophiucus tackled him, flinging her arms around him and crying from pure joy.
"YES! Yes of course I will!" Delighted tears rolled down her face, and she pulled Noctis into a happy kiss as he slid the ring onto her finger.

Meanwhile, with Aqua and Pi...

The sweet strains of the violin filled Pi's room, mixing in perfect harmony with the soaring voices of both her and Aqua, who was sitting beside her on the bed. Both of them were lost in the lovely melody, eyes closed and ears open. Aqua sang the first line, then Pi, and so forth. Each time the violin rang, their voices would flow into a complementary pitch.

(Guess the song!)

"I wonder what I'm running from..." Aqua mused softly.
"Stay inside and barricade the doors..." Pi was softer, but had a higher pitch than Aqua.
"Miss the sun to avoid the storm,"
"Would do anything to feel the warmth,"
"I wonder where I'm going wrong..."
" 'Cause love's just a feeling, some kind of emotion..." They joined together, voices soaring in tandem with the violin.
"When you need the healing, when you're all broken..."
"Don't over think it, before the moment is stolen..."
" 'Cause love's just a feeling, and right now I'm open, I'm open..." The violin played solo, both singers resting their voices as the instrumentals played. After a few notes, they began again, this time with Pi in the lead.
"I wanna fall like I won't hit the ground..."
"I wanna dance like nobody's around!"
"Walk on the edge and not look down,"
"Follow my heart and lose my head into the clouds!"
"It took a while but I'm here now..." They repeated the chorus, some notes stretched out while some went higher and some lower. There was a long instrumental break before it started one last time.
"I put my hands up. Afraid of so much. It's time I let it all go..."
"Maybe I've lost touch. In all the blind love. I'm gonna let it all go!" A pause...
Once more, they sang together in breathtaking harmony, "Cause love's just a feeling..."
"Don't over think it!"
"Cause love's just a feeling, some kind of emotion,"
"Don't over think it! Before the moment is stolen..." They both stopped simultaneously, panting and grinning. Aqua pressed her lips lovingly to Pi's, lowering her hands on the violin. It was gently placed on the floor, Pi not even needing to look at it before knowing it was soundly out of the way. She let herself be pushed down on the bed, arms wrapping around Aqua's neck and waist, pulling her closer. Aqua sighed, tangling her fingers in Pi's hair as the kiss turned from sweet to needy. Pi sat up, hands trailing to the buttons on the back of Aqua's dress. She unlatched them, one by one, until the fabric was loose enough to pull at. Aqua let out a soft growl, hands unbuttoning Pi's dress as well, her hands working their way down to her waist. She squealed as she felt the article of clothing start to slip off her skin. Pi allowed it, pulling her arms through the sleeves and smiling suggestively as Aqua tossed it on the ground. Taking the initiative, Pi tugged the dress off Aqua as well, eyes lingering on her pale skin. Pi also nibbled Aqua's ear, eliciting a tiny squeak of surprise and pleasure. Her lips traveled to Aqua's ankles, and her teeth brushed the skin teasingly. Aqua huffed, letting Pi know she should cut the cr*p and stop teasing her. Pi, though not quite ready to stop, took the hint and began to gently suck at the skin, her teeth leaving tiny red imprints on the surface. Both girls locked gazes, and Pi flicked the light switch. She didn't have to worry about the others coming in, the door was locked already.
Smiling, she pulled Aqua into another intense kiss and reached her hands behind the other girls back...

Heh. I couldn't resist! Anyway, the song they sang is one of !y favorites, and Ophi and Noctis are getting married next chapter! Eek! I hope it goes well~ (you guys know what's coming, nyeheheh.) Farewell darlings and have a nice day!

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