8- Souls Can Be Touched

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Scorpio trailed his fingers across the pond's still waters. They left little trails of ripples, shattering the glassy reflections on the pool's surface. He really enjoyed the silence of the school's gardens. It gave him a place to be alone with his thoughts. Once, he'd hated the silence, with nothing to distract his mind from the pain he felt, but now? Now it was comforting, because he knew he wasn't alone, he needed no distraction.
A blade of sadness pierced Scorpio's momentary state of peace. He was startled, he'd thought no one else knew about the pools in the back of school courtyard. Wrong again! He hissed at himself. Who's it this time? Scorpio closed his eyes. It wasn't Cancer or Pisces, his sister's pain was different, and Pisces' mind was always filled with a billion emotions. No, this was someone he didn't know.
When he first turned to look at her, he knew then that she was, in fact, a girl. He cleared his throat gently, cautious as to not disturb her too suddenly. She gave a slight jump, turning to look at him in surprise.
"Oh! I'm sorry I didn't see you there!"
Scorpio chuckled, "It's fine. I usually don't see other people around here, actually, so you're one of the first." He gazed more intensely at the girl, hoping to further interpret what she was feeling. There was something there Scorpio was sure he knew, he just couldn't put his finger on it...
"My name's Taurus, and sorry to disturb you! I wasn't aware anyone else would be here. It's kind of an abandoned spot, you know?"
"Yes, I do. That's why I like it. Quiet, peaceful, me alone with my own thoughts. I'm Scorpio by the way!" Taurus smiled. Scorpio frowned, he knew just how much of a mask that smile was, and not in a bad way. In fact, the sight of her consideration brought pity to Scorpio's heart, "you know, I won't judge you if you don't want to smile. I know it's hard..." Taurus stared at him, her mouth dropped open in genuine surprise.
"How- how did you know? I never said anything!" Well, at least she's honest.
"I can read people's feelings. Well, not really read per say, but I can feel other's emotions as my own. From you, I felt... Something. I'm not sure what, but it's there." He stood up, his eyes shining, and placed a hand on her shoulders, "so please, you don't have to smile." Taurus stood, frozen in shock, before the happy expression dropped from her face and she squeezed her eyes shut. She tensed, trying in one last ditch effort to fight the tears that sprang into her eyes, but eventually relented. Scorpio held his hands firmly on her shoulders, slowly bringing her to the ground as she wept.
"I know it hurts," he murmured, "I know, I know..." Because he really did know. Scorpio shivered as the horrible memory of that one morning hit him.

It's several years ago. Scorpio in this memory is thirteen, wrestling with the cap on a bottle of pills. He hits it on the bathroom sink in agony. He just wants his pain to be over! He just wants to leave! Finally, the bottle opens. Scorpio sits there for a while, staring blankly at the pristine white pills. He knows they're only allergy medicine, but any medication is deadly in the right dose. Tears flow from his eyes as continues to stare at the bottle. Do I really want this? Do I? His hand shakes and the tears grow angry. It doesn't matter what I want! Everyone is better off without me! Hands shaking, tears pouring down his face, Scorpio tips back the bottle into his mouth-
"Stop!" Scorpio's older brother, Pisces, tackles him and rips the bottle out of his hands, "Scorpio, oh my god!" Pisces taps him firmly on the back, making Scorpio spit out the few pills that'd landed in his mouth before Pisces arrived. Pisces hugs him tightly. Scorpio is overwhelmed with surprise and horrified shock. What had he done? What was he thinking?
Then he realized, albeit dimly at the time, that maybe he was better off with his family, that death was not an escape. Pisces was there, hugging him, just having saved his life! What other evidence did he need?

  Scorpio smiled bittersweetly at the memory. After all, he thought, on the path to recovery, it's those you love that prove your demons wrong. He loved his siblings more than anything, and now would never abandon them. And he wouldn't let them give in either!
Scorpio squeezed Taurus' hand. She's like Cancer, actually, reminds me of her.
"Hey," he whispered, and she turned towards him in question, "There's someone I'd like you to meet!" He pulled her by the hand, guiding her out of the gardens and to the quiet library of the school.

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