34- A Sinking Feeling

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Aqua let out a sound halfway between a whimper and a scream. Her hands shook as they reached down to gently touch Pi's pale shoulder. Horror filled her every being as she glanced again at the long knives sticking out of her girlfriend's feet. Rivulets of blood dripped down the curved silver blades, leaking from the wounds and down Pi's feet. Aqua saw out of the corner of her wide, terrified eyes Virgo leaning down and placing her hands on the hilts of the blades.
"I'm sorry!" She whispered in Pi's ear as she yanked out the blades, hands staining with blood as it trickled faster from the now open wounds. Virgo placed her hands over the stabs, bright green magic engulfing her palms and Pi's feet as she began to heal the wounds shut. Pi woke up, jerking and screaming in pain before fainting again. Aqua stepped toward her, only to feel a cold hand on her shoulder.
She whipped around to see a dark clothes man with one hand on her shoulder and his other manipulating dark ropes which held her friends and the Queen. Aqua heard another scream from both Virgo and Pi behind her as they were bound as well. No ropes came for her, and a cold fury swept through her, making her hands shake and curl into fists. Serpens grinned maliciously at her, his hand waving. Pi screamed again and Aqua heard a sickening wet sound as a shadowy tentacle rose from the ground and stabbed through the holes already in Pi's feet. The stone from her anklet broke loose, flying into her hand as she quaked in rage. Aqua knew that if she let her anger blind her, she might not come back from it, but... She couldn't let this slide.
"Tenebris Mare..." Aqua shuddered as she felt and saw the dark sea blue wisps curling up her arm. She took a deep breath, even though she knew she wouldn't be able to hold back her screams. The mist was icy cold, piercing her skin and into her mind. It engulfed her completely, and she let out a ripping scream of agony. Aqua was frozen in place, her mouth and eyes the only things able to move. Pain, just pain in every moment. It began to subside, changing to a detached, cold feeling. She grinned. Strength flooded through her, and she snapped her fingers. In an instant, a shadow fell over Serpens. A large, dark silver wave loomed over the man, and Aqua clapped her hands in glee. Her eyes gleamed a steely blue that was harder than her usual eye color. Aqua didn't care, in fact, she felt happy at the fact she looked... Well, scary is hardly a way to put it. Her hair and eyes are darker than normal, her smile was manic and cold, and she was more detached than anyone had ever seen her. A long, steely blue tail whipped behind her, the tip bristling with sharp, curved spikes. Her clothing was a darker version of her hair and eyes, billowing in the ocean breeze. A coil was held in her hands, a smoky blue gray and edged with pieces of broken glass that glittered menacingly.

Caprice struggled against her binds, squirming and trying to yell through the gag. She knew she should use her magic... But it might be too risky, especially with Aqua unleashing her corrupted form. Caprice tugged and wiggled and bit, but nothing gave. She felt so frustrated at her failure, and could feel a bit of fury spring in her mind. Capricorn shook his head, eyes pleading for her to not, to keep herself sane. Caprice knew he was right, knew it was too dangerous to have two corrupted Zodiacs fighting, knew it might just kill her in the process...
But she didn't care. She wanted her friends, girlfriend, and brother to be safe. This was the only way to do that, no matter what it cost her.
Too bad, I'm gonna!
Caprice, it's dangerous! I don't want to loose you! Not after I just came home!
I'm sorry, and I know that, but... I have to keep you safe.
Caprice, no!
"Tenebris Natura" Caprice had a much different experience than Aqua. There was no physical pain, just a rush of dark thoughts from the back of her mind that shattered the sane part of her psyche, if only temporarily. When her eyes opened, they'd turned into such an unnatural shade of green, the color of fire that burns to hot. She could feel the immediate uneasiness of the others as her gaze swept across them, and the panicked thoughts of her brother and girlfriend. Both of them cried out for her to stop, but she wouldn't listen. A small but cruel grin cracked on her face, and she snapped her fingers. The binds around her friends and herself loosened, dissipating as they dropped to the floor.
"Caprice, please! It's not safe if both you and Aqua are fighting out there! You- you aren't listening, are you?" Capricorn shook his head in defeat. Caprice looked back at him, cruel smile still dancing on her lips.
"I am, just not obeying you!" Her eyes bore into Capricorn's and he felt weak. Sagi gripped her brother's arm, whispering worriedly to Sagittarius. He shook his head and sighed.
Caprice snapped her gaze back to Serpens, and he froze as she approached him. She looked him up and down, giggling maniacally as her eyes bore into his. The emotions radiating off him were nervous, frustrated, and fearful. Caprice rolled her neck, clicking her tongue once. Instantly, Serpens let out a terrified, bloodcurdling screech. He stumbled backwards, eyes wide in horror. Yet, there was nothing before him save a grinning, laughing Caprice. She walked closer toward him until her face was inches from his. He flinched as she put her crossbow to his stomach, the bolt already loaded. Slowly, she pulled back the string...
The twang sounded loudly and Serpens let out a choked scream as the bolt entered his abdomen. Aqua gripped him by the throat and pinned him to the cave wall, her whip wrapping around his neck. She jerked it roughly and a million cuts sliced their way into Serpens' flesh. He crumpled on the ground, blood still pouring from the wounds in his neck and trickling past the bolt in his stomach. Shadows obscured him and he vanished from view shortly after.

A clink sounded as both weapons were dropped to the ground, both girls following suit. Sagi caught Caprice in her arms, picking her up and brushing the hair from her face. She couldn't fathom how her girlfriend could be so terrifying yet beautiful at the same time. The girl's eyes fluttered open, still that same unnatural green. But her smile was sweet again, and she buried her face into Sagi's shoulder, smiling. Sagi gently stroked her hands through Caprice's auburn waves, and the other girl was soon snoring softly as she slept.
Sagi was happy her girlfriend was alright, but those eyes still unsettled her. Neither of them had used their powers to that extent before, and not corrupted either. She needed to figure out just why her eyes were still that color, and quickly. Sagi could already tell something was amiss...

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