15- I Am Brave, For I Am Loved

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Aries felt the pressure of lips on her own. She was confused for a moment, to weak to focus on what was happening. Then, she felt a rush of warmth creep through her. Her eyes flew open and she realized Aquarius was kissing her, this, she felt, fueled her strength. He cares, he cares... Aries saw and felt the scarlet flames that ignited along her lashes, flickering as they closed her wounds. Another rush of strength rolled through Aries, and she broke off the kiss, standing, with her palms engulfed in flames. Aquarius opened his mouth, but she put her hand out, silencing him. One thought echoed in her mind. Now I understand. Now, you cannot touch me!
She turned, defiant, to her mother. With her hands flickering and her hair floating in the air, words poured from her mouth, and she knew them to be true, "I am not afraid, not anymore! Mother, I pity you now, do you know why?" Aries walked towards Jupiter, an aura of confidence around her, her porcelain skin glowing a crimson so rich it was almost like blood, "Because you are to afraid to accept what is true. Your husband left you, and you will never get him back!" Her voice was stronger now, echoing with the power of her words.
"I am Aries, sign of the Ram, ruled by the planet Mars!" Aries' raised her hands, still flickering with flames of crimson, and shouted in a voice that sounded like a million ones resonating at once, "I will never be, and never have been or will be again, afraid of you and your malice!" Finally I know! Finally I remember! She was fearless, arms raised, scars burning away, strong, confident, her.
"And I will teach you what you should truly fear! Fear itself." Flames spiraled around Aries, obscuring her from view. When they died down, she stood as a warrior, palms holding flames, and two ram's horns, scarlet at the base and rippling to pale gold at the tips. To Aquarius, she was beautiful, and he stepped to her side. She smiled at him, the pain lifted from her eyes. He nodded back, raising his hands in turn, mist once again curling from his palms.
Jupiter crawled backwards, still facing Aries and Aquarius in an awed stupor. But, when she looked behind her, she saw Libra and Leo hands linked, standing there. To her left, were Gemini and Sagittarius, side by side. Sagittarius held a flaming bow and arrow, while Gemini's hands were lit up by silver light. Unable to escape, Jupiter unleashed a bloodcurdling scream and fainted on the spot.
Leo stepped towards her, hands curled Luke claws, when Aries stopped her, "Leave her be, she's seen enough." Leo sighed, but nodded, albeit reluctantly.
Aries turned to Aquarius, "Thank you! It was you... Well, kissing me, that helped me. And Aquarius?" He cocked his head.
"Yes, Aries?" She walked up to him, smiling sweetly.
"I love you." With that, she pulled him into a kiss, which he turned around and dipped her head back. The other four grinned, knowing that they were best together. Aries stumbled back suddenly, feeling drained of energy.
"I feel so tired..." Her knees buckled, and she fell to the ground. Aquarius caught her, eyes widened in concern.
"Aries! Are you okay?" She opened her mouth to speak, then her eyes rolled back in her head and she passed out from exhaustion.
Sagittarius rushed to her side, putting a hand to her temple, "She's out cold, and weak too. We need to get her to a doctor, but I have a feeling her problem isn't exactly medical."
"Then what is it?" Sagittarius shook his head.
"You'll find out as soon as we get there, but I've got to call them first." Aquarius nodded slowly, still confused.
Sagittarius dialed a number on his phone, his face scrunched up impatiently, "Come on, come on!" A person, male, picked up the call.
"Yes? What is it Sagittarius?"
"My sister, she's hurt. And I think you'll know how to fix it, because normal doctors won't."
"Say no more, I get it. Come over, my parents won't mind."
"Got it. Thanks!"
"No problem. Get here! Quickly!"

Aquarius, carrying Aries, followed Sagittarius to a house not to far down the road. It was modest, to say the least, elegantly furnished yet still simple. The door swung open, and a concerned face poked out. He was looked to be very similar to the others in age, with tousled light brown hair and dark emerald eyes. He glanced at Aries, then turned to Sagittarius, his face knowing.
"Bring her inside, my sisters will know what to do." Sagittarius nodded silently, motioning for the others to enter as well. When Aquarius looked at Leo, her eyes were wide in recognition, and her mouth was slightly open.
"What's wrong Leo?" She stared at him.
"I know him! He's the guy who's running for President!" Oh! I didn't know that...

Aries awoke in a modest room, it's decor sparse and mostly vacant. Still, the bed was comfortable, and she knew by some intuition the people here meant no harm. A girl, small but likely Aries' age, was looking down at her from a chair. She had rich brown hair pulled into a ponytail, and mossy green eyes. Her petite mouth was stretched into a frown, bit smoothed into a smile as she saw Aries awake.
"Oh good! You're awake! I should introduce myself. Hello, I'm Taurus, Taurus Emeren." Taurus seemed sweet, her smile was adorable, and her eyes glittered with a concealed intelligence.
"I'm Aries." Taurus giggled, her eyes closing in delight.
"Yes, I know. You're brother, Sagittarius, told me!" Sagi told her? Must have been for a reason, he doesn't say those things to strangers.
Just then, another girl entered the room. She was similar in appearance to Taurus, though her hair was dark and curly, and her eyes a brighter shade of green. Her face was innocent, but not enough to dispose the maturity that was set in her expression.
"Greetings, I'm Virgo Emeren, and my sister and I are here to heal you."

Sorry for leaving you guys on a cliffhanger, but I didn't have time because I went to my school's Open House. I'll try to release more chapters tomorrow, I promise! Anyways, I gotta go! Bye!

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