43- Trust In Truth

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The room was abuzz with churning thoughts and tensions running high. Scorpio shook his head, trying to focus, but the buzzing wouldn't go away. Someone gently touched his shoulder, and the noise quieted down a bit. Scorpio looked up to see Capricorn sitting next to him, eyes closed, with his hand on Scorpio's arm. His eyes opened, sparkling sea green, and he spoke very softly.
"You know, Scorpio, I've been thinking about what you told us, about how Umbra blocks out emotions." Scorpio nodded, trying to follow along, "And you know that you're the only one who can take advantage of that, immoral as it sounds. What I want to know..." He paused, gaze moving from the ceiling to Scorpio's own, "Is how you plan to do that."
Scorpio sighed, "I don't have a plan. You see, these things just... Happen. There's no preparing for it, not even a loose idea of one. I guess you could say... It's in the heat of the moment." Capricorn laughed, then grinned.
"I see. They just, come to you, right?" He snapped his fingers. Scorpio snorted, clicking his tongue, and nodded, "Thought so. Also..."
"Yeah?" Capricorn looked down.
"I want you to be careful. We don't know if doing... Whatever you're going to do has backlash. I don't want to see or feel you be in pain again, like last time."
"I will, but I'm going to do whatever it takes to finally end this." He paused for a moment, speaking again with his voice solemn and filled with grim determination, "Even if it kills me..."
Capricorn jumped from his seat, hands on Scorpio's shoulders and turning them so the two faced each other, "What? Oh hell no! I will not let you die on me, Sag, Aquarius, your cousins, your sister, and your f*cking fiancé, who, by the way, is my cousin! What do you think would happen if you died?" Scorpio's mouth was agape, surprised at his normally neutral friend's sudden and very intense outburst, "Taurus would be devastated!... I'd be devastated..."
"Cap, calm down. I'm not gonna die, I'm only saying if it comes to that, I'll still do it. Also, you are seriously going to an ultimatum here! Calm down, please!" Capricorn huffed, sitting back down. He took a few deep breaths before speaking again.
"You're right, you're right. Still, be careful. We don't want to lose you..." Scorpio took his friend's hand and gave it a light squeeze.
"You're not going to lose me, I'll be sure of that." Scorpio stood up, looking around the room at all the others coming to face Umbra with him, "But all this ends. Now." Capricorn smiled, a eyes flashing once.

Aries stood atop one of the marble podiums in the throne room, gazing proudly at all the others going to battle. Taurus, solemn and determined, Virgo, focused and still running all the possible scenarios in her head, Cancer, afraid of fighting but willing to protect those she cared about, Scorpio and Capricorn, bold and ready to do their part, Gemini, smiling with eyes swirling with knowledge beyond her years, Pisces, hopeful expression on his face, Libra, who hated fights yet wanted nothing but justice for the fallen, Sagittarius, stoic and determined, Leo, grinning confidently with swords in hand, Aren, her brother, with a bold smile on his lips, the other's siblings, all ready and willing, and her beloved Aquarius, serious and silent, holding her hand.
"Look." Everyone turned to Aries and she met each of their gazes with her own, "This isn't going to be easy, but it will be worth it. This time, we're stopping this endless cycle of f*cking damnation inflicted on the kingdom, the rulers, and everyone involved. Our ancestors made a terrible mistake, and while we can't fix what was done back then, it's up to us to fix what has been done now. Are you ready?"
"YES!" They all shouted.
Aries' eyes gleamed, fire rushing up her body as she swung her axe to face in front of her, "I said ARE YOU READY?"
"YES!" This time, they all raised their weapons and cheered.
All the combatants stood in a circle, the floor beneath their feet glowing white as the Libra's worked their magic. Soon, the ground beneath them started to waver and both Librans shouted a single word.
"Iustitia!" The floor flashed so bright everyone standing on it was blinded. It dissipated into thin air and they all fell through the warping gap in the ground.

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