Chapter VIII: Blank Eyes & New Obsessions

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Michael stormed off, back towards the realm of Haddonfield. Refused to believe it.

He could barely remember any old memories, the ones locked deep down in his mind. Though a part of him screamed, saying that he knew her. From years ago.

The way she looked at him, it struck a chord in him.

He wanted to do what he always did, lock away any sort of emotion like that deep inside. So he didn't have to deal with any more pain.

But that same part told him not to do that, to go back to the (h/c).

His grip on the kitchen knife tightened. He snapped from her actions, from her stare.

And it's very hard to make Michael Myers snap.

The Wraith and Nurse watched as Michael swiftly passed by. Not questioning the dark, sulking aura that surrounded him.

Michael was sort of glad they didn't question his sudden change of mood.

He walked the path to Haddonfield, the forest around him faded and he began to step on the concrete of a street.

The question that ran through his mind repeatedly. Who is she?


You had poured your emotions and soul into your next art piece, a large canvas painted in soft and cold greys, blues, and purples.

For a while, you stared at the finished work.

You'd keep it. The things you poured into it meant to much to give away to someone who wouldn't know the truth.

You went to sleep that night, entering the realm of the Entity. You joined during a time where you weren't in a match.

You took that night to learn about each person, and tell them your fair of information.

The next night was another trial. This time it was a killer called the Pig, and you stayed the most hidden and quiet you have out of every round you were sent in. Having a reversed bear trap on your head wasn't at all pleasing, nor was having it kill you.

You were eventually hit though, by her hidden blade right before you ran out through the exit gates.

And as Claudette said, the slash left a scar on the back of your shoulder.

You weren't so keen on being covered in scars, you didn't hate them, but you didn't want them either. It's a reminder, one that people would understand unless they also went through the pain.

It was your seventh night in the Entity's world, this night was the one to change a lot of things.


You were quick to notice how Michael Myers always seemed to be stalking around for you. But when you finally choose to approach him, he disappears.

Scaredy cat, you think with a huff, must he avoid you?

Few of the other survivors took notice of your goose chase. But you never answered any questions on it, it was more of a personal thing right now.

You blinked a few times as you notice your cheek glowing a dim red. Sending a frown to the others, before seeing who else was going to the match with you. That's when you became confused as only Jake and Bill had the same mark as you.

"Only three people?" Meg asked for you, also confused.

Nea, David, Laurie, and Feng were in their own match. But there were still enough for four survivors.

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