Chapter XXIV: Shattered Glass

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《A/n: A new challenger has appeared!

Crinkch. Crinkch. Crinkch.

The three killers looked up from their previous gazes, the approaching sound of crunching glass came closer.

Crinkch. Crinkch. Crinkch.

Michael stared past the trees, the glimmer of something that shone in moonlight. An approaching figure.

A new killer.

The sickening crack as 'she' entered their view. The Doctor next to him started to laugh, and one glance his way made Michael know that he was curious.

"A new addition to the family?" His forced open eyes stared. Michael doesn't blame him, unlike the others, this woman was in pieces.

Her skin was pale, as though she were kept out in the winters cold, hair black as the Entity's mist that stuck up, seemingly unaffected by gravity. The skin under her eyes were a deep pink, her eyes themselves were white, glowing. In her skin between bandages were shards of glass, arms and her leg was sliced, looking as though they were tied back together loosely by invisible strings.

She twitched, along with it was the horrible sound of crunching glass, her face morphed from a sorrowful look to anger. Before it turned back with another spasm through her body.

"We're not a family." The Clown spat the doctor's way.

Michael studied the new shorter woman with narrowed eyes. Her gaze looking around with a pained screech.

"Aren't you cold?" The Doctor asked, seeing as she was just as exposed to the cold air as the Hag was.

Her head snapped his way, there was something in her aura that screamed revenge. Michael watched as she neared the campfire, eyes still trained on the Doctor.

Herman Carter stared back with an equally sharp gaze. Then her head turned to meet Michael's gaze.

He didn't react when she sent a shriek his way, as she realized how long he was observing her. She glared at all of them, before turning away, towards a new forming path.

The Yamaoka Residence.

Michael watched with crossed arms as she walked off down the path, disappearing with the fog.

Then the new words were presented in his mind, in his ears the Entity's voice spoke; "the Spirit has unsated revenge, tread carefully."

"The Spirit..." The Doctor hummed, being given the message as well. "What an interesting addition, your thoughts Shape?" The Doctor's head turned, eyes bore into Michael's.

There was a subtle shrug from him, knowing Herman would keep pestering him until there was some sort of answer.

Before he could receive anymore replies, he was gone in a blink, brought into a trial.


Meg noticed immediately as the unfamiliar figure ran towards them from the fog.

"Hey, guys?" She pointed to the approaching shape, the other three looked over. Joining as Meg squinted her eyes to get a better look.

The figure was male, his eyes wide in panic as he let his legs guide him to the fire. His long cream coloured trench coat was dirtied at the ends, flapping in the wind as he ran. He skittered to a stop as he neared.

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