Chapter IX: Ruined But Reunited

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You stared at your ring finger with your hairs on the back of your neck standing tall. Your ring finger was returned to you, but it left a scar as though someone had poorly stitched it back on.

You had told the rest of the incident right as you returned, and Meg promised you she'd taunt and mind-game him past madness as payback.

You said your farewells as David, Quentin, Dwight, and Nea were the next ones marked for a trail. Your dreams normally ended at this part, and you'd rejoin the waking world.

The look of that Clown flashed through your head and you shivered again, saying your goodbyes to the rest before the mist engulfed you.

When your eyes opened, you were back in your bedroom.


A few days had passed, and you were fortunate not to have a second run-in with the Clown.

You wouldn't say that you were getting better at each trail is a good thing, since it was a representation that the longer your here the better you get.

You had even thought of going to a specialist to get your dreams/nightmares checked. Though you knew bringing up the sudden scars you got from the dreams would most likely classify you as insane. But you've made a bond too strong with the other survivors, hell, even Leatherface had apologized to you for your first match there.

Keith and Jess are also progressively getting worried about your safety, but no matter how many times you tell them that even if you are sacrificed or killed by a mori, you return back to the campfire.

Your words just made them even more worried, so you just stopped trying to persuade them for the time being. Instead of wondering if you should tell them about Michael.

Oh right, Michael.

The damn fool wouldn't even let you approach him without scurrying off. You weren't sure if it was your imagination or not but the stares he sends at you felt different than when you first spoke.

You laid in bed, your right arm over your eyes. Your other hand went to touch your ring finger, tracing the mark left behind.

With a blank mind, you fell asleep.


You wished one thing as you felt yourself materialize in the Entity's forest. To make an offering.

As you looked around the campfire, your eyes landed on Laurie Strode. Slowly, you made your way to her, a stick in hand to write your question.

"(Y/n)... anything you need?" She smiled kindly to you, and you nodded turning to stand beside her and wrote in the dirt.

"Can I use that blade you have?" It was the sharp piece of glass Laurie used in trails to escape killers, a real decisive strike she has.

She blinked in surprise, before questioning; "you're not going to hurt yourself right?"

You shook your head.

She sighed, telling you to be careful before handing them to you. You smiled and thanked her, walking over to the campfire.

You grasped your hair, and with a deep breath you cut off the ends of your hair. The loose strands fell into the flame and burned. Your hair had grown out anyway, you planned to cut it.

Bring me to Michael, I need to speak to him... and gift me a small lollipop.

You stared at the flame, before dropping the blade as the Entity's legs ascended from the sky.

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