Chapter XV: A Sacred Retreat

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《A/n: Warning: This chapter contains smut. There's your lovely warning friends and fam ;^) Also you should listen to the song Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey at a certain part of this chapter ^^》

"What's up with you today?" Nea snickered at the sulking woman on the ground next to her.

"You mean tonight?" David corrected and laughed as Nea sent him a glare.

"You know what I mean," she rolled her eyes. Casting her gaze back down she nudged the woman with her elbow. "Anyway, what's up?"

The (h/c) haired young woman took the stick next to her and began to drag it across the dirt in letters.

'I got in an argument with my brothers girlfriend, and Michael is in a game right now so I can't rant to him.'

Nea rose a brow, feeling sympathetic for her. "What's wrong with ranting to us?"

She kicked away the last paragraph to use a clear space, 'you guys don't understand sign language, and it takes so long to write in dirt.'

"I see your point." Claudette nodded as she read the words. "The Shape has been quite aggressive in his trials lately, I'm guessing it has something to do with the Clown."

The woman glanced up, suddenly interested in what Claudette was saying. Claudette quickly met (Y/n)'s gaze, and Nea let the botanist explain the events.

"There was a ruckus a few nights ago, in our divided side of the forest. Apparently the Clown was planning for a visit when the Shape had found him."

'What did he do?'  Read in dirt.

"Nea and Meg were the first ones to witness it, being the most fueled from curiosity. The Shape and the Clown were wrestling- well- Michael was trying to stab the Clown."

The womans eyes widened, Nea saw a flash of emotion in them before she piped in. "Yeah actually, he stabbed the Clown twice. He seemed really angry."

(Y/n) nodded, 'now that you say that. The Clown was walking funny when I saw him last.'

"Must be why then." Nea then followed, crossing her arms. "It had something to do with you didn't it? That one night."

Nea saw the woman visibly shudder, and the alley cat bit her cheek for speaking about it. "Sorry." She quickly apologized, rubbing the back of her neck.

'It's okay, but yes. It most likely did have to do with what happened that one night.'

Nea nodded slowly, feeling the need to apologize again but held back. Instead asking Claudette, "you restocked on those plants you use?"

"They're not just plants, Nea. Though I have restocked on them."

"Cool cool, so you're not gonna let me bleed out this time right? It wasn't fun."

Claudette rose a brow, "I was running towards you, with the Trapper chasing me. You didn't even make an effort to reach me."

"Uh-huh actually I was... it was just taking a long time." She blew a strand of hair from her face.

(Y/n) (who sat between the two) shoulders shook in a chuckle. Her eyes wandered, before gazing off in the distance towards the trees.

Nea watched her stand up, in that same moment Feng, Meg, Quentin and Detective Tapp appeared at the fire. Another four sacrifices, so she knew then, Nea thought amusingly.

"Go on, we'll talk next time." Nea ushered her off, and the woman blinked at her before sending a small smile.

Then off she walked, towards the figure between the treeline.

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