Chapter XIV: A Rush Of Concern

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You woke up with a giant smile on your face, your heart still flying in your chest when you stood up out of bed. The memory of that kiss lingered in your mind.

You felt like a teenage school much to your dismay.

You sat in bed for while, just smiling to the ceiling while tracing the heart on your collar.

A quick check of the time to see the numbers '11:19 am' flash on the digital clock.

Your stomach rumbled, a reminder that you should eat breakfast soon.

With a quick fix to your bed and hair you walked down the stairs. Pausing when you heard a third voice other than Jess and Keith.

With knitted brows you walked out to see exactly who it was, though you had a feeling you already knew who.

"Oh my God! (Y/n) where-" Keith's sentence was interrupted when Jess ran up and hugged you.

"Where in the world did you go!? We were all worried about you!" Jess exclaimed, you peaked over her shoulder and saw the curious yet serious face of Dr. Loomis.

You stared at her confused, before Keith mouthed to you.

'Lie, they don't know.'

You pursed your lips and frowned, "sorry, I... I snuck out for a bit." You signed, the truth hidden away when she squinted at you, trying to see if you were lying.

She breathed out a sigh, "please never leave without a word. It made us all worried. I came into your room to wake you up and you weren't in bed!"

So that's what...

"Sorry Jess." You apologized, hoping to see forgiveness in her blue eyes. She closed them, and when she reopened them you saw that she bought your lie.

"Just don't leave without saying a thing at least."

And with a nod she dropped her arms back to her side and gave you back your space.

You turned your attention to Samuel Loomis. You signed to him, "is there something else you needed?"

Keith took it upon himself to repeat what you signed.

The doctor nodded, "for one I'd like to question what it is you have on your collar, then your wrist."

You froze, narrowing you eyes, Jess took a quick glance at your collar before giving a short gasp.

"Is that a heart? Who did that to you?" She asked, making Loomis nod for whichever reason. You guessed it to be the fact she had confirmed that something was on your neck.

You huffed, "no one."

"Bull shit (Y/n)!" Jess exclaimed before apologizing, "sorry for cussing."

You shook your head, neither of them believed you and Keith was the only one who knew the truth.

You refused to answer that, stating to Loomis it was a personal issue. Jess sat down on the seat with a frustrated groan at your stubbornness.

You already made up your mind that you'd never betray Michael. You did that when you first visited him at the Smith's Grove.

"Then what about the bracelet?" He questioned.

"An old gift, from Michael when we were little."

Keith glanced at you, and in the few seconds of eye contact he got your message. He knew it was better to listen than face whatever you'd do later on. You knew your brother like you knew your own mind.

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