Chapter XI: Fallen & Picked Up

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《A/n: ooh we've reached 1k reads, thank you, everyone. ^^ Just a warning now, this has a few dark moments in it. 》

You eyed Keith, "spit it out already."

Your brother looked at you deadpanned, before exhaling a deep breath. "Okay, okay! It's Michael Myers isn't it." You leaned back in your seat, waiting for him to continue. Out of everyone you knew, he would be okay with it (other than a bit of advice and warning.) Otherwise, he wouldn't act so hesitant to bring such a subject up.

"The person in your dream, the person who gave you that bracelet is Michael Myers, right?"

You closed your eyes as you nodded, "is there a problem with it?"

He laughed, "no, none really. I find it very interesting that whatever this 'Entity' thing you told me about took the notorious Michael Myers, stalker and killer of Haddonfield!" He gave you a show of jazz hands before chuckling again. His face shifted to a more serious one, "you know what you're getting into right? I saw your painting. You still like him don't you."

It wasn't a question, he made that clear to you in his tone.

"Yes," you said because right now you couldn't hide anything... and well- you trusted him. Well enough to tell him all about your crazy dreams and different realities.

"Then you know that I don't condone murder." You nod and he sighed with a small smile. "Good, that's just it. I don't condone murder, it's wrong, but I can't stop you from meeting and falling for Michael... again."

You blushed, trying to brush away his words, making him snicker. "I understand, thank you though." You smiled brightly, "I wonder how Haddonfield is doing without their Halloween stalker." You told him, making him shrug.

"Who knows, really. I bet some people (including the police) still look for him. Or at least keep an eye out, since he was never proven dead."

"That's just it though if he hasn't been proven dead. How far are they willing to search for him?"

He shrugged again, before replying; "leave those thoughts to worry about in the future. For now, we're gonna watch a movie, 'kay?"

You roll your eyes and nod with a growing smile. "Okay."


You were sent into a game that night, the realm of the MacMillan estate. The forest rather than the iron works or coal tower.

You hated this map for a few reasons, no high ground, or building to be in. You were mainly out in the open of this place.

You walk over to a generator, surrounded by brick walls. A locker to the left and a window in the corner south-east of you. You took your time working on this generator, your shadow being cast down in the wires made it difficult to see too well. (Another reason this map sucked too.)

You clenched your teeth and backed away when the generator lit up. Just as it did you heard a scream off in the distance, west of you.

You walked away from the generator, pass trees and unlit totems. When you came over a chest, you reluctantly used some time to check its contents. Who knows, maybe you could find something really useful.

And useful it was, revealing a flashlight, one in good condition too.

You sprung up to your feet, running to where you knew your injured teammate was.

You hid behind a tree when your heart rate picked up, then you heard the sound of a broken bottle, and the courage inside you dropped.

You peeked around the tree trunk, eyes wide with newfound fear as you caught sight of the Clown. Standing there in all his eerie-ness, chasing after Laurie who was coughing up the toxic gas he threw at her.

Held On Mute [Michael Myers FF]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum