Forms and Categories

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The form for the competition is as follows:

Title of story:
Number of Chapters:
Have you followed me, added this to a public reading list, and tagged your story?:
Tags (you must tag 4 people, we're trying to get the word out!)

Please comment the form in your corresponding category:

Romance **CLOSED**
Fantasy **CLOSED**
Action  **CLOSED**
Mystery **CLOSED**
Teen fiction **CLOSED**
Humor (14/15)
General/Historical Fiction **CLOSED**  
Poetry/short stories **CLOSED**
Random **CLOSED**
Fanfiction **CLOSED**
Sci-Fi **CLOSED**
Horror/Paranormal **CLOSED**

If I'm missing a MAJOR category, please let me know here! I may bump up or move down the limit for these, depending on how many people enter. PSA: Do NOT ask for a category if you do not intend on joining the competition/are joining a different category. I need to see if there is interest in the category before I put it on. I don't want to make too many categories since I'm only one person! Please only suggest a category if it applies to your book! Thank you :D

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