Tagging Award Winner/Judging

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I apologize for not ending the competition last night! I was so tired after marching band camp that I just passed out as soon as I got home! Now, the moment you've all been waiting for... the winner of the tagging competition is...


@UniversalPeace with 139 tags(yeah, that's a lot of counting), so I will be reading your story ASAP, and I'll send you a private message with my opinions and advice! 

Now, as for the rest of judging. As most of you know, two of the categories are filled, Teen Fiction and Fantasy. I said I wouldn't start judging until late August, but if all of you are ready, I might allow judges to start judging in7-10 days. Let me know, for those of you in Teen Fic/Fantasy, would you like more time to get your stories ready, or is 7-10 days enough? I really need you guys to let me know how you're feeling! Thank you all so much for your patience, and I'm so excited to start judging!

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