Meet the Judges!

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Since judging will begin soon, I thought it'd be a good idea to introduce you guys to your lovely judges! They'll tell you what category they're in charge of and a bit about themselves!

Judge 1: Gorgeous_Lady (@Nycll06)- teen fiction judge

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Judge 1: Gorgeous_Lady (@Nycll06)- teen fiction judge

"Hey there! My name is Nobody (lmao) and I'm an amateur teenage writer who loves reading and has been in wattpad for 4 years, and my favorite book series is the good old Harry Potter. I currently live on an island floating around the Pacific Ocean where there are no malls and traffic lights ;). Yup, that's true. Please don't hate me for this, since I am an incredibly weird person who dislikes pizza, burger, sushi, cake(except chocolate), and pasta! I also love spending my time lounging around my house and spending quality time with my beloved phone. "

Favorite Genre? I always love a classic romantic novel, but I do quite enjoy reading other genres like Action (gangster), Sci-fi, Fantasy, Vampires, etc. Believe it or not, I have most probably read stories of every genre in wattpad.

What do you look for in a good story? I personally enjoy reading books with a simple choice of words and are easy to follow since I really get bored easily. Remember, simplicity is beauty. I also want stories that are unique and stories that you're passionate about.

Describe yourself in three words? Exquisite, one-of-a-kind, admirable hooman

Do you write on Wattpad? If so, what genre? Yes, I do write stories that focus on romance, but not your ordinary love story. I write stories that I think are not really very common, but unique in a way. If you're curious, please check it out ;)

Do you have any advice for contest participants? For those of you who have recently decided to come of out their cocoon and write stories on wattpad, please do know that love what you are doing. Every person is creative in their own way. If you ever doubt yourself about your capability in writing, don't even think about it. Famous writers nowadays have been in your place, they also started as an amateur writer who just happened to love writing, and look where it leads them to. Trust is a must. If you enjoy your story, I'm sure other people will enjoy it too with the right audience.

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