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Stories will be judged with a 100 point guideline:

Plot (25 points): plot is HUGE. Does your story move too fast or too slow? Does the plot have any holes? Does the story stick to the plot?

Characters (20 points): how likable are your characters? Are they 3-D people with motives, emotions, and faults?

Originality (20 points): if I felt like I've read it before, it prooooobably won't excite me too much! Be original!

Grammar/word choice (20 points): PLEASE spell/grammar check your stories! If I can't read what you're trying to say, I can't judge the story fairly! Word choice is also very important. Describe!

Summary (10 points): does your summary fit your story? Does it entice me?

Cover (5 points): a good cover to draw in readers is 100% necessary.

So, if you were wondering, here you are!

Digital Dreamer Awards [OPEN]Where stories live. Discover now