PSA for Fan Fiction Writers!!! (And Anyone Else This Applies To...)

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So, I've barely started judging fanfiction. But seeing some things made me think a little, so I'm going to let you all know about a few things.

FIRST OF ALL, I didn't have this problem with any fantasy stories, but I did in fanfiction. If you filled out the form wrong, please go fix it. I have gotten to the point where I will start docking points if I cannot find your story. The point of you putting your username in the "Author" section is so that I can put your username into the search bar and find you quickly. If you put "me" or filled your username out wrong, that's a problem. I usually caught those mistakes, but if I didn't, you need to. I just spent fifteen minutes scrolling through the hundreds of form categories to find ONE fanfiction story. That's not a lot of fun.

Secondly, okay, I wanted to be inclusive to all stories, but I have some limits. I will read mature stories. HOWEVER, if they include scenes of sexual abuse, extreme detail of self-harm or suicide, explicit relationships between very young minors and very old adults, or other content that I deem disturbing, I will not be reading those scenes. I'm skipping them. I'm sorry, but I really don't want to read that kind of stuff, especially having gone through some of that/ having friends who have gone through some of that. I am okay with scenes of gore/violence, mild intimate scenes, cursing of any level, or mentions of a character going through abuse. I'll repeat, you can mention that your character was abused, but I don't want to read a detailed description of it.

I really didn't think I'd come across this too much, but I've seen a lot of it, and I'm letting you guys know now that I'm not reading those scenes. Thank you all for your understanding.

I may seem really grumpy and mean, but my migraines are kicking in really bad, which is why my judging has been slow. It's hard to look at screens. That being said, yes, I'll be going slower, so be patient, and read the updates! I promise you guys will see when judging is going on if you read them. The only ones that have been announced are fantasy, teen fic., fanfiction, romance, poetry/short stories, and sci-fi. So stay tuned and read my updates to find out when your judging is!

Thank you guys for the understanding, and hopefully, I'll update you on how fanfiction judging is going soon. Much love! <3

(Ps- you may have noticed there are 16 fanfiction stories. That was a mistake on my part for accepting an extra person, so I'm sorry about that! I didn't want to kick them out for something I did wrong!!)

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