Tagging Competition!

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As most of you are aware, we can't officially start judging until we have quite a few more people. In order to bring in some more participants, we're going to have a tagging competition!

What is a tagging competition? For those of you who don't know, in a tagging competition, the goal is to tag as many people as you possibly can. I'll be keeping count so that I can find out who the winner is.

And what will the winner get? I'm glad you asked! The winner will receive a leg up in the competition by having me critique the first ten chapters of your book (or all of it, if it is less than 10 chapters)! I'll point out any mistakes I can find, as well as giving you any advice I can on your book/summary that would give it a better chance in the competition! I may even leave a few votes, who knows? Just to make sure you guys understand, I am not judging your book. This is just me giving you some advice. What I read now will not influence your end score.

Let the tagging competition begin! It will end on 7/27/18 at 10 pm Eastern U.S. time, but if I decide to end it earlier, I'll make sure you're all aware! I'll probably post it on my message board. This gives you guys a week! Good luck!

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