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        Hello guys!

Like you already know, I AM NOT ASHAMED is completed. Writing this book was something I enjoyed so much and I'm kind of sad because I won't be writing it anymore. I'm still glad somehow because I really wanted it to finish in a good way.

I want to thank everyone of you for reading this book, voting, commenting... I always enjoy taking my time to read each one of your comments. Everything means a lot to me, so thank you a lot!

I really hope you enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

And I also hope that you got the message I wanted to share with you. Never be ashamed of the gospel, surrender everything to God and you'll see all the wonders He will accomplish in your life.

I talked about many subjects in this book starting from modesty to marriage. I wanted to show you guys that even in 2018 you can be a Christian. You can live for God no matter what the world is doing outside. You can dress up to impress God and not the world.

You can wait on God even for marriage. Do not follow the dating trend of this world pushing teenagers into relationships that will lead them to nowhere. Before you take a step, pray to God to know if that's His desire for your life.

Okay, now some people are asking me if there will be a sequel of this book?

The answer is no. I would love to continue this book but I believe that all I wanted to share with you is present in those 40 chapters.


I am officially taking a huge break from Wattpad. Maybe a year or more. So I won't be writing any new books nor reading.


Because I need to concentrate on my last year of high school. And of course, get closer to Him.

I love you guys so so much. You're all my sisters and brothers in Christ and I love you with all my heart. Thank you for being here for me and know that I'll always be here for you too no matter what.

May our God shower you with the richest blessings and love, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

My Instagram: cathylxllo feel free to dm me! Always answering ❤️🫶🏽

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My Instagram: cathylxllo feel free to dm me! Always answering ❤️🫶🏽

Please read the next chapter ❤️

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