Out Tonight

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A.N. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in reading a Huntingbird story, once I finish this one. Also, school is starting back up for me, so I will probably be limited to updating once or twice a week.

Natasha's P.O.V.

"I swear to God Ward, if you ask me if I want to be your partner one more time, your ego won't be the only thing that ends up bruise," I said, the moment that I felt someone enter my space. For the past week Grant Ward had been approaching me every single day at lunch trying to be my partner, and every single day I explained that Barton was my permanent partner. He had been looking at me the same way that many of the other male agents have looked at me since I got back from Tokyo. God, I hate businessmen.

"Not, Ward, but can I be your partner?" I heard a familiar voice ask in response.

"Barton," I said, giving him a quick hug before coming back to my senses. What was that? "I thought you still had another week before you were supposed to be back."

"I do, but I got bored and decided to head back early. Don't worry I've mainly been annoying Coulson, no sparring or anything. In fact, the only shooting I have been doing is with rubber bands. I managed to hit the center of the Coulson's Captain America poster, as well as every single point of the star on his SHIELD."

I shook my head, of course, that's what Clint would do when bored, and it's probably the reason he's even in the mess hall right now. "How did you get bored, weren't you a Morse supposed to making little bird babies, or whatever you called them?"

"Yeah, that's not a thing anymore, Morse and I. The papers should be going through some time next week."

"What happened? Was it Fury's orders? Was it cause of what happened on the last mission?" I gestured toward his ears.

"No, no, nothing like that. In fact, Bobbi helped me learn some pretty basic ASL signs, although Coulson is making me learn more, says that it could be useful in the field. It was Bobbi that asked for the divorce though, she said that I was being distracted and that she didn't want to keep me from whoever I was focusing on. It hurt at first, but I'm getting over it. Speaking of my divorce though, you and I are going out to celebrate tonight, and we never got to celebrate our promotion so it's kind of a twofer thing. You down?"

"Depends, what does this celebration entail."

"Just dinner, drinks, and maybe some dancing. Super casual, like jeans and a t-shirt causal I promise. Plus, you need to be properly introduced to American culture."

"Barton, I have been introduced to American culture plenty, even before I joined SHIELD."

"Yeah, but that's like fancy America, you need to see the like real America, not any of that fancy shit that you can't pronounce. Trust me you'll like it. I'll be back when you get off to pick you." He said, grabbing some fries from my plate and then leaving. I noticed Ward was glaring daggers at him.


"Really Barton, McDonald's, you have to be kidding me."

"It's a prime example of American cuisine."

I rolled my eyes and started to walk toward the restaurant. "I'm pretty sure that nothing is served here can be in any way shape or form be considered cuisine."

He grabbed the door handle before I could reach it. "How about you just find a table and I'll get our food and drinks okay?"

I smile smugly at him, "Fine, but if I don't like any of what you order, you have to write the mission reports for the next year."

"Fair, enough challenge, but I will win."

I went and found us a table, one that allowed us to have a pretty decent view of the restaurant and was close to the exit if a getaway was needed. After a shockingly short amount of time, Barton came back, carrying a tray that looked like it held burgers, fries, two drinks, and a box that had a brown smudge on it, along with plenty of dipping sauces.

"I didn't know what you exactly you would like, so I got you a Big Mac and chicken nuggets, although really the best things here are the fries. Also, I know that you don't really like soda, but you have to try their Coke, it's top-notch, I did get you water though."

"Thanks, for the consideration, but I think I'll just stick with the fries, not going to lie but the smell of this place is making me a little sick," I said, plucking a fry from its container and dipping it in ketchup while flashing him a smile. "Also, just saying, if you ever try to date again, the car was a perfect idea, but the dining choice not so much."

Clint looked up from the burger that he was halfway through eating, "The car is actually Coulson's, you have no idea what I had to do in order to be allowed to drive it."

"Nice, so how are you adjusting to having those in your ears?" I ask, leaning across the table so that I can take some of Barton's fries.

"First," Barton said, batting my hand away from his food, forcing me to lean back onto my own chair, "I am not your mark, you don't have to flirt with me, we're just two friends hanging out for the night. Second, to answer your question, the ones I am wearing right now are fine." He moved his head so that I could see the purple aids that were sitting behind his ears, which matched the purple earmolds that were in his ear. "The sci-tech division is trying to have me test some in-the-canal style aids so that they're more discreet on missions and they can possibly serve as a comms piece. I'm never going to be back at one hundred, but I should be alright since I'm usually on the outskirts of whatever mission we are doing anyway. I can't be cleared until they find something that works though, so Coulson is having me learn ASL until then."

I roll my eyes a little and smirk, "What made you think I was flirting with you, Barton?" I rested my cheek against my hand.

"Because I have seen you with a mark and I've seen you around base talking to Coulson or May or Hill. Right now, you're acting like a mission. You know you don't always have to wear a mask, right?"

"I'm too sober to dive into the conversation right now, so I vote we head to whatever club you've picked out for the night." I stood up, trying to hurry us along. I hated that Barton always seemed to see through whatever guise I had up.

"Drinking's your poison of choice?" Barton asked, putting all of his wrappers on the tray before getting up.

"More like a sedative, haven't found anything to kill my demons yet. You? Not going to lie you seem a smoke weed on the weekend kind of guy. Am I right?"

"Tried it, but I couldn't stand the smell. As for killing demons, I found something that worked one time, but I made a promise to Coulson to not repeat that exact tactic."

"Maybe you can give me some pointers later." I get into, apparently, Coulson's car not really excited about what was about to happen next.

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