Business as Usual

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A.N. This is back to the present time period of the story.

Natasha's P.O.V.

I woke up at five that morning and realized that no one else in the room was awake. I quickly changed clothes and headed to the cafeteria. I noticed as I walked everyone kept glancing at me from the corner of their eyes. I shook my head, damn Barton and his need to feel like he's actually helping me become anything more than the killer I was made it be. As I entered the Cafeteria I glanced around and saw Barton and Coulson sitting together. I wonder why they're up so early.

I made my way over to him, "Barton, I need to talk to you. Now"

"Um, sure?" Barton said, getting up, clearing unsure of what was going on.

We make our way to the corner of the cafeteria, away from everybody else, I was not having a repeat of what happened yesterday.

"Why were you talking about me last night?" I asked, crossing my arms

"I don't know what you're talking about," Barton lied.

"Cut the bull, I know you went to Coulson's office and you two were talking about how to handle me."

"How do you know that?"

"I couldn't sleep so I crawled into the air vent. Now answer my question, Barton."

"First, yet again I am not condoning it but good job on the air vent thing, and second I was talking to Coulson about how to help you as your SO."

I roll my eyes, "Why do you even care about helping me?"

"Because I risked a lot to bring you here and I don't want to blow it. Besides that, I know you could be a great agent if you get past all that brainwashing Red Room did to you."

I just push past him and go get my breakfast, there was no way to erase everything the Red Room did to me. When I was about halfway through breakfast when Coulson walked over to me.

"What is it?" I asked, not looking up from my meal, plain oatmeal, dry toast, and a glass of water.

"Nothing, I just wanted to talk." He said calmly, taking a seat across from me.

"No one ever wants to just talk, there's always something someone wants to get out of it. So, tell me what do you want out of this conversation?" I asked, leaning closer and lowering my voice.

"I just want you to know that Barton really truly cares about you and wants to make this transition as easy for you as possible, even if he has a unique way of showing it."

"Bull, you might believe those lies but I don't. The only reason someone will help someone else is if are forced to or they are doing it to get something out of it."

"I know you were raised by some pretty messed up and cruel people, but I want you to know that not everyone is like that. Clint and I both care about you and if you want, we could become your new family."

I could see the concern in his eyes, but I shook it off. I've learned from experience that trusting someone usually ends up with you getting hurt.

"I learned a long time ago that family is just a child's dream and only causes more trouble than it's worth."

He lets out a sigh, "Ok but if you ever change your mind on trusting people Barton and I are always here." He got up and walked away, leaving me to finish my breakfast in peace.

It's not really peaceful though is it, he got under your skin. Found your weak spot. Maybe this place is different than Red Room. I shook my head trying to get the thoughts out of my head. They may be nice now, but give a few more weeks and they'll reveal their true intentions for you.

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