Puzzle Pieces

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A.N. This is supposed to replace the chapters Baptism by Hulk and Team Bonding. I will also be putting up another new chapter this week.

Natasha's P.O.V.

"Hey Romanoff, can you make a delivery for me?" Stark asked, wandering into the community kitchen where I was getting a late-night glass of water because 'No Clint I'm not going to drink from the bathroom sink'.

"Depends on what is," I said, shifting to that I was leaning against the counter.

"Got the new hearing aids for Barton, these ones shouldn't fry as easily." Stark was referring to our last Hydra takedown mission where he had set off an EMP which also happened to fry Clint's hearing aids and left him wandering around the Hydra base not knowing that we had won, and the mission was over.

"Thanks. I'm sure he'll appreciate them. They do match with the interface he already has to help adjust them, right?"

"Yeah, I also updated that as well no big changes that he'll notice just makes things run a little smoother. Although, I will say that it would have been easier if we had known beforehand."

I shrugged, "Used to keeping it a secret in SHIELD, probably a good thing too."

I could see Stark fidget as though he wanted to say something but didn't know the right way to say it, which is surprising as it seemed the billionaire always had a comment for every situation. "So, what's going on between you and Barton like is there something there? I mean I know that you weren't down in the med bay today and that cut on your leg would be pretty impossible to clean on your own, so I figured that you had to have some sort of help."

I let out a bark of laughter, "Clint and I are partners that's it. We help patch each other up from time to time; another habit from SHIELD to make sure we could get back in the field without any downtime. Why are trying to play matchmaker?"

"No, I just noticed that you were getting closer to Banner and I didn't want you to Natalie Rushman him. He's had a bit of a hard life."

"Haven't we all," I commented as I took a sip from the glass.

"Yeah, I read your file from the whole info dump.... there's some pretty messed up stuff in there."

I quirked an eyebrow, "Strong words coming from the Merchant of Death,"

"Touche." That was one thing that I liked about Stark, he wasn't scared to be called out his bullshit and would more often than not would own up to his mistakes - usually after he's tried to fix them. "Looks like we're two sinners looking for atonement."

"Speaking of sin, why are you here right now? Not that I don't love your company, but I figured that you two would be trying to spend as much time together as you could right now, I mean isn't she going to some long work thing tomorrow?"

"Yeah, uбэm she's staying at a hotel by the airport, the flight is scheduled really early and Pepper's a big stickler for being on the plane before it's supposed to leave, and she said that she didn't wake up at like four in the morning."

I set the glass down and crossed my arms over my chest, "You do know that I am trained to detect when people are lying right?"

Tony sighed and ran a hand over his face, tugging at the skin a little bit, "Turns out Pepper wasn't ready for all the atoning. Not that I blame her, I mean after the mess of the Mandarin I get her wanting some distance, plus I had told her that I was going to give all this up-"

"But you can't?" I knew that sort of feeling, it's the same one that I've been getting from Clint recently.

Tony nodded, "Maybe we're more similar than you think Natalie."

A Different CallNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ