A Spy's Goodbye

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A.N. This is the final chapter for this story, but don't worry I'll be releasing a sequel soon. I'm not exactly sure when that'll be though, so keep this story in your archive or library and I'll publish a new chapter here when I publish the sequel.

 "Hey mate," Clint heard an all too familiar voice British voice say before a hand was laid on his shoulder. Another more feminine hand was rested on the archer's shoulder just a few seconds later.

"Thanks for coming you guys," Clint said, not looking up from the slab in the ground that he had been staring at for the past thirty minutes.

"Hey, we're always here to help you. You know, that right?" Bobbi asked.

Clint finally looked up glancing at both his friends, "Yeah I know." Clint began to help Hunter spread out the blanket that had been stored in the man's backpack. "Sorry about missing the wedding by the way."

"It's okay," Bobbie replied, "Turns out that there's a reason that people tend to have doves at weddings and not ninjas."

Clint didn't so much laugh as just blow out a strong puff of air from his nose at the comment, although that was more emotion than he had shown since the battle.

"Did you bring the stuff?" Clint asked.

"Yeah," Hunter replied pulling a bottle of vodka and six shot glasses out of the bag. "Got the best bottle I could find, although she always said the difference between a six-dollar bottle of vodka and a sixty-dollar bottle of vodka was fifty-four dollars of bullshit. I thought I'd do something nice."

The trio smiled before looking back at the stone slab.

"How come there isn't a name?" Hunter asked, sitting down on the blanket.

"SHIELD regulation, not that it's really needed now. Fury decided it would be better to list SHIELD ID numbers rather than names so that no one with bad intentions would visit the site and cause any damage to it or the people morning," Bobbi told her fiancé.

"I know it's kind of stupid since there's nothing to bury and people are already building statues, but it just felt right to do this." Clint wiped at his eyes before taking the bottle that Hunter had set down and filling up each of the glasses and handing two to his companions.

"What are you going to do now?" Bobbi asked.

Clint sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I-I don't know. Laura wants me to stay at the farm, but I think it's been proven that I don't do retirement well so I'm thinking of moving back into the apartment. Laura says if I do that, I have to take Lucky with me though."

"That's not a bad idea," Bobbi said. "You don't do well when you're alone."

Clint just shrugged off the comment and raised his glass. "Here's to us."

"Who's like us?" Bobbi and Hunter responded lifting their glasses.

"Damn few," Clint choked out before drinking.

Hunter and Bobbi took their second glass and put them on the corners of the grave markers.

The three just sat there in silence for a few minutes before the couple looked at each other and decided to would be a young idea to let the blond have a few minutes to himself.

"Don't forget we're having dinner later," Bobbi said squeezing Clint's shoulder.

"Uh-hu. I think that I invited Fury to that," Clint said not looking up at the two of them.

"He was here?"

"Yeah, he came a few hours before you guys go here."

Bobbi wanted to protest how long Clint had been here wallowing but knew that the fighting wouldn't be worth it. Although she would definitely be using that key Natasha had given her and cleaning out the apartment before Clint moved back in.

Clint remained sitting until the light turned golden and the disappeared completely.

"It was supposed to be me, Nat. You still had so much to give. I'm not sure I have much left to give." With that, the man set a shot glass on another corner and walked away.

A final spy's goodbye. 

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