Coming Home

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A.N. It's been a while since I've watched season two of Agents of SHIELD, so these next few chapters are going to playing fast and loose with the show's timeline, just to give ya'll a heads up.

Hunter's P.O.V.

Mack and I were relaxing in the lounge, enjoying the brief stint of peace that the base was currently enjoying. Coulson and May were both out on recruiting missions, so there wasn't a whole lot of action going on. Of course, with SHIELD there couldn't be calm for any extended period of time; however, this time the calm was broken by Skye walking with a tablet in her hand and concerned expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" Mac asked, his eyebrows furrowing in concern, as Skye moved closer to us.

"So, I was looking through the video feed, and I saw someone standing by the front door, which I ignored at first, just assuming that it was someone that was lost or drunk," Skye wasn't necessarily wrong with that judgment, more than a few times we've left the base only to find the entrance decorated with puke from the patrons of the nearby bar, "but when I checked back a few minutes later they were still there, even looking into straight into the camera."

"What? How? No one would find this base randomly, even when Hartley, Idaho, and I had directions here and it was still hard to find." I asked, sitting forward and setting the beer that I had been enjoying on the table in front of me.

"Well do you want to tell her that, cause," she glanced down at her tablet, "Yep, she's still there."

"Wait, her? It's a woman?" The cogs in my head started turning while a smile began to form on my face as I began to think of a woman who would randomly approach a secret SHIELD base. I will admit that my smile did falter a little when my brain came up with the second person that it could have been.

"Yeah, what does that have to do with anything?" Skye asked, giving me a weird look for the expression on my face.

"Can we see the feed, Skye?" Mack asked, coming to the same sort of realization that I have.

"Sure," Skye said transferring the video on her tablet to the flat screen television that had been playing a rather good football game, the real football not that American stuff either. I turned and looked at Mac, seeing a smile on his face that I am sure mirrored mine. "Um, sorry for not being on the up and up with whatever you two are smiling about, but what is going on? What are we going to do about Ms. Creepypants who, as I may remind you, is still standing outside our door like some villain from a cheap slasher film?"

I got off the couch and made my way to the entrance, "Well, as I like all of my bones where they are, I'm letting Nat in."


Natasha's P.O.V.

"Finally," I said, picking up my duffle bag, "I thought I was going to see the third coming of Hydra before I got let it." I recognized Mack and Hunter and the girl that was with them looked familiar, but I couldn't really place where I had seen her, which put me on edge.

"Well, we still have to watch out for who we let in because you know...Hydra," The girl, who had long dark hair told me. It was fairly obvious that she was trying to put on an air of leadership, which wasn't that great already and was made even more pathetic by Hunter and Mack's lax attitude and posture.

"Yeah, you know what they say about bringing in strays," Hunter added, a smug smile on his face.

"I see you didn't lose half of you jackassness in the divorce," I said heading into further into the base, giving the Brit a gesture that was one hundred percent American as I passed him.

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